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Chivalry Starved rnrqkq123 artist art арт барышня 

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	МГ4]Д\о i 11 IB 1,Chivalry Starved,rnrqkq123,artist,art,арт,арт барышня,арт девушка, art барышня


BasedBinkie artist Chivalry Starved без перевода 

Доброта, одна из 14 основ

Being the patron of Death, Kindness takes the form of a skeleton in which Manabloom ‘blooms’ from. Undead that worships Kindness are aware that they are an existence that (usually involuntarily) deny her Kindness, and as such take it upon themselves to hunt unthinking, cursed undead to give them


BasedBinkie artist арт Halloween праздник Chivalry Starved 

Доброта, Госпожа Смерть, Покровительница усопших, одна из 14 основ

«Ибо смерть – это доброта».

BasedBinkie,artist,арт,Halloween,праздник,Chivalry Starved

«Serce nie sługa» - сердце не слуга.

«Часто лучшее, что мы можем сделать, — это оставаться стойкими в выполнении своих обязанностей. Делайте то, что должны, делайте то, что можете, потому что, как только вы будете вести себя как добыча, они будут вести себя как охотники»

		ШШ£Ш>		Ü	
		ж,BasedBinkie,artist,арт,Halloween,праздник,Chivalry Starved

BasedBinkie,artist,арт,Halloween,праздник,Chivalry Starved

BasedBinkie,artist,арт,Halloween,праздник,Chivalry Starved

BasedBinkie,artist,арт,Halloween,праздник,Chivalry Starved


BasedBinkie,artist,арт,Halloween,праздник,Chivalry Starved

Несмотря на свой размер и отсутствие боевых возможностей, Дакота в настоящее время обладает 5 королевскими печатями благодаря постоянным героическим поступкам.

«Всем приветик»

BasedBinkie,artist,арт,Halloween,праздник,Chivalry Starved


BasedBinkie artist Chivalry Starved Halloween праздник Goblin Girl Гоблин Fantasy race 

BasedBinkie,artist,Chivalry Starved,Halloween,праздник,Goblin Girl,Гоблин,Goblin,Fantasy race

BasedBinkie,artist,Chivalry Starved,Halloween,праздник,Goblin Girl,Гоблин,Goblin,Fantasy race


BasedBinkie artist Chivalry Starved без перевода 

Неприятные существа Знакомых земель

Tomiliar Tands T3estiarum: Nuisante Creatures
Shamedrakes are a subspecies of mandrakes, that once pulled from the ground , it will proceed to deliver a devastating mental attack in the form of a strangely insightful insult that is startlingly effective. Most are brought to tears or


BasedBinkie artist Chivalry Starved без перевода 

немного лора

Правительница Империи Нефритового Когтя - Ву Зайта, полубог Жадности

WU y \\r \
Within the Familiar Lands, -few creatures can compete with the strength o-f Demigods, led- alone one that retains their higher thinking abilities- The Jade Empress is one such entitg, a Greed Demigod who wields an iron claw over the Jade Fang Empire.
She has barelg been on

Джованни Эспозито - избранный рыцарь Жадности

Giolmnm Tsposito
Chosen "knight of Greed
Giovanni always keeps his word and would never try to deceive or scam someone; thus he regards tricksters and blackmailers as the lowest form of filth and would not hesitate to punish them.
The Wise Knight The Taxlord Don Esposito Bossman

Золотое правило дуэли

The Golden "Rules of "Engagement
Within Great Europa (and a few other countries) a custom of dueling and combat is rather common, it is not usually fought to the death and it is done to solve a dispute or prove a point. This law has been decreed by the Golden Father and the fundamentals

Печати опасности

The world of Familiar Lands is packed with deadly creatures that are classified with varying levels of threat to determine if they are simply dangerous to an individual or a group as a whole. A crown seal is equivalent to a Menace Mark, and it indicates the level of experience a Knight

Терпение из 14 основ

The Patron to the talentless, Enduring Lord
Of the 14 fundamentals
“Good things come to those who wait”
Patience is the concept of perseverance and the ability to endure difficult circumstances. Patience teaches mortals how to make the right decisions, and to favor a more favorable result


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