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balls of steel монтажники связисты GoPro кирпичи песочница 

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Для тех кто не в теме: gopro = POV в проне. enjoy.

Stairway to Heaven,Tech,,This was shot from a camera mounted on the (hard) hat of a technician. There's this team of people who do repair work on very tall, antenna towers. The repairmen are climbing up essentially with nothing to protect them from lightning, slippery steps, attacks of dizziness, nasty birds, etc. In short, if they slip, that's it. And it's a long way down. But they're quite casual about the whole thing. Notice that the main part of their work begins after this clip ends. The climb is the getting-to-work part. EDIT JULY 2011: A lot of viewers recommend coming down by using a PARACHUTE. Please know that this would be very dangerous! First of all, carrying the parachute with you all the way up, in addition to the tool bag, seriously hampers your movements and it weighs you down. Then, you have to jump very far from the tower and its cables and protrusions - otherwise you risk the parachute getting ripped or not opening at all. (Parachutes open rather widely!) EDIT SEPTEMBER 2011: And, yes, they're wearing HARD HATS because they want to protect their heads when they are climbing up. Even a small hit on your (bare) head may bring dizziness and make you lose your balance. EDIT DECEMBER 2012: The CONSTRUCTION of these towers takes place almost entirely on the ground. Then the contraption is lifted up and secured. EDIT FEBRUARY 2014: It should be evident that, despite what is being narrated on this video, OSHA rules *and* common sense dictate that climbers remain clipped at all times. Staying safe means longer climbing & descending times but that is a very small price to pay. No one is directly or implicitly encouraged by this video to engage in unsafe practices. Climbing heights should always be done with the proper equipment, the necessary training and in strict accordance to safety regulations.
balls of steel,монтажники,связисты,GoPro,кирпичи,песочница
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яички сжимаются только от просмотра. Недавно залазил на 60м каланчу, и то поссыкивал, а это...
lGSMl lGSMl 07.10.201406:57 ответить ссылка 0.0
~510 метров... Интересно, насколько ветер сильный? По идее, башню должно не хило так покачивать
Долгий путь вниз? Bitch please!
Нужное с приятным.
Spiriot Spiriot 07.10.201407:36 ответить ссылка 0.1
Это первое о чем я подумал. Присмотрись, у них нету бэгов на спине. Я думаю что осознанно, ибо погодные условия и т.д
часы\браслеты лучше не носить
magista magista 07.10.201407:39 ответить ссылка 0.0
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Я собираюсь прикрепить GoPro к моей голове и побежать прямо в торнадо.
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■Jfp GoPro®
**■$4 @GoPro
— Формально, мы строго рекомендуем вам не делать этого. Но если вы каким-то образом все же это сделаете, пришлите нам, пожалу

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