34 CEORCI M'H,k "She has had her blood khal."_lUyrio «old him. n,>, S'-.1' .!, her That silver-gold h.ur, ,h,J ,ilc fir*, «he blood of old Valyna, highborn, daughter of the old km ** cannot fail to entrance our I w"*'. ^ ■ ■] hand, Dacnerys found herself ’M "I suppose," her brother su.d 1 have queer tastes. Boys, horses sh«.,‘, " "Best not suggest this to Kh.il d„.. Anger flashed in her brother's |,|, me for a fool?" at> The magistcr bowed slightly. | Kings lack the caution of common iik.-. y. have given offense." Me turned away hands for his bearers. The streets of I'cntos were pitch i n out in lUyno's elaborately carved ;.h .. vants went ahead to light their way carr . lantern* with panes of pale blue glass. • | strong men hoisted the poles to their warm and dose inside behind ‘he cum:.' smell the stench of lllyrio'« pallid lloh petfumcs. . Her brother, sprawled out <>»' never noticed His mind was away a "We won't need his whole xj •- hngcrs toyed with the hilt "f h‘s '‘‘.j :r ' Many knew he had never uscuI a '-thou,and. that would be cn"l,| lthr.:*: Kingdoms with ten thousan* v c -j.% realm will rise for it* ^gbnu«e l°'v* ^ Marry. Grcvioy. they have no 1 tp. a'-r‘ -than I do The IVirnishmcn m v i:t, • children And the «wUlfoj^ v',,o r6’ for thru king " He looked at , ,, don’t they?" , the' 'They are yuur PenPK* •|n h*';"* • • MlOltCr lUyrio ftJlil S-UU« K: HkMllft KXTtt tcsast'« -.»rv CA' towing v»hji innne r.>w ici. Kji the mi*- '»irtitxl < wryihmg nit cj«rHy. however •r pT.wnwd. wSi had inv brother VHmui kw wKji he iImJ to mv Magiuer Ulyrto %a»d tile pbyu« ar-und hn i wkkc Noddtat he off into the ni«ht. and :tlc at the* Trident ooce al 1 >o©t %at hcudc the wall* overgrown with ' tl by the migfttcn id ire C»t*o were ilway» \% w* that we leaf thoe in with a tank ~TV wall« agjin&t a mJlioo unite ... yet why take me* *o cheap* t the gate. the curtain» c bt*J»e guard* He had . cyt* d a IXxhnki. but the.ptkoi bcteuecjpoi over cuWJy SlMpvct tt-, in the rough Bxhttto umc voice iou clench XttCt lllyno'a «VOfda Were huocr. Mont unportaei ill he at the icA%z t«ughi Such mcn hare cocuur* mJ muic protect hi* gue%t% rocrwli chiei an* c* Vtjus Grace No dooht the l**u/pcr wtxdd pat wrfl u head * i, m' Vi*cft* *aid darkly He ha* tned. llhna 1 e VOtt that. Ilia himJ bum Mfk»»r o* everywhere
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