Cube Solver,Science & Technology,FAC system,Cube solving machine,Cube Solver,Rubik's Cube Solver,Cube (Literature Subject),Rubik Cube Solver,cube solving robot,Rubik cube solving machine,FAC system cube solver,FAC construction system,Raspberry Pi Compute Module,Raspberry Pi,Colorpal,Colorpal Parallax,Arduino (Brand),Arduino Mini,level converter,Raspberry Arduino,Meccano cube solver,Algebra (Field Of Study),Electro House (Musical Genre),mechanical engineering,popular mechanics,This cube solver has been assembled with parts from the well known FAC system, a modular system developed back in the early 1950's by the gifted Swedish artist Mark Sylwan. The heart of this stand alone machine is built up from a Raspberry Pi Compute Module in combination with an Arduino Mini. The scanner is assembled from 3 modified Colorpal colorsensors. For the second generation solver (4 gripper solver) we are going to use the Pi camera in stead of the afore mentioned Colorpal's. For the solving part we used part of the Kociemba algoritm. This project will be described in more detail on the following site: http://wiswin.nl/FAC%20system%20Rubik%20cube%20solver.htm. Today, the FAC system is still for sale. The official FAC system website is here: http://www.facsystem.se/default_eng.asp
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