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Жаль, что подстрелили (

Raw: Wild Bear Runs In and Out of Russian Mall,News & Politics,237a4d4b37dd419c82bc05766d118633,Russia,Eastern Europe,Europe,Oddities,Animals,wild,runs,bear,raw,mall,russian,associated press,AP,AP online,associated press style,news,breaking news,latest news,business,finance,politics,local news,commentary,reports,current affairs,top news,headlines,news today,A wild bear wandered through a shopping mall in Russia's Far East on Wednesday before being chased, shot and killed by police on the street. (Oct. 14) Subscribe for more Breaking News: http://smarturl.it/AssociatedPress Get updates and more Breaking News here: http://smarturl.it/APBreakingNews The Associated Press is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats. AP’s commitment to independent, comprehensive journalism has deep roots. Founded in 1846, AP has covered all the major news events of the past 165 years, providing high-quality, informed reporting of everything from wars and elections to championship games and royal weddings. AP is the largest and most trusted source of independent news and information. Today, AP employs the latest technology to collect and distribute content - we have daily uploads covering the latest and breaking news in the world of politics, sport and entertainment. Join us in a conversation about world events, the newsgathering process or whatever aspect of the news universe you find interesting or important. Subscribe: http://smarturl.it/AssociatedPress http://www.ap.org/ https://plus.google.com/+AP/ https://www.facebook.com/APNews https://twitter.com/AP
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Комментарии 5 20.10.201516:21 ссылка -0.7
krako krako 20.10.201516:22 ответить ссылка 0.0
Уронили мишку на пол
butbka butbka 20.10.201516:22 ответить ссылка 2.0
Походу Андрею мыть пассажирское сиденье пару дней
behemoot behemoot 20.10.201516:26 ответить ссылка 0.8
мгази :с
WJlOM WJlOM20.10.201516:30ответитьссылка -0.5
Кому жаль, предлагаю сходить почесать мишке за ушком.
wassup wassup 20.10.201516:36 ответить ссылка 0.0
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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