насекомые :: укус :: боль

боль насекомые укус песочница удалённое 

Джастин Шмитдт создал шкалу силы ужалений перепончатокрылых (осы, пчелы, муравьи) и по собственному опыту (вот жертвовал ради науки же) расположил по таблице.

Койот Питерсон на канале Youtube "Brave Wilderness" ловит и испытывает укусы на себе тройку победителей по раздражению нервной системы. Видео длятся около 20 минут. Для нетерпеливых - перематываем. Для слабонервных - перелистываем пост. Для австралийцев - смеемся.

Все видео на английском, но при просмотре с момента укуса (жала), чувства и эмоции передадут состояние и без знания английского.

Испытуемый, человек знакомый с природой, был укушен аллигатором, ужален скорпионом и другими тварями мира сего (найти можно на его канале)



На третьем месте: Бархатные муравьи

"Пришли. Увидели. Убежали"

Смотреть с 9:15 минуты


На втором месте: Охотник на тарантул (Не знаю точного названия, но держался бы подальше от одного только названия)

"Арахнофобы в замешательстве"

Смотреть с 10:40


Первое место: Муравей-пуля

"Человек-муравей видит его в кошмарах"

Укус сравним с поражением пулей (откуда и произошло название... да, я капитан!). Жалящий муравей. Думаю, стоит создать страйкбол с снарядами-муравьями

Смотреть с 12:53

Чтож... В комментариях на Youtube просят Койота Питерсона снять на видео боль от Lego

Твари, на 2ом и 3ем месте, обитают в штате Аризона, США. Австралия прям какая-то...

P.S. баянометр сказал, что какое-то из этих видео уже было, но не все.

STUNG by a COW KILLER!,Pets & Animals,Ants,Ant Attack,Ant (Animal),ants biting,ants bite,insects,ant insect,sting,stung,stinging,stinger,wasp,hornet,bullet ant,ant,harvester ant,fire ant,venom,stinging ants,ant sting,painful,pain,fire ants,adventure,adventurous,animals,breaking trail,coyote,coyote peterson,peterson,trail,wild,bug,ant (animal),attack,velvet ant,velvet,cow killer,killer,wingless wasp,red velvet ant,velvet ant sting,cow killer sting,worst sting,painful sting,ant attack,ouch,Please SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/BWchannel Watch More - http://bit.ly/BTAworstbites On this episode of Breaking Trail, Coyote is stung by an infamous COW KILLER…the Velvet Ant! The Velvet Ant, which is actually a species of wingless wasp, is well known for possessing one of the most painful stings in the insect kingdom. In fact, this legendary sting is so painful it has even earned them the nickname “cow killer” because it is said to be so excruciating it can actually kill a cow. Now the cow killing part is simply a myth but in his quest to work all the way up the insect sting pain index to the most painful sting on record, which is that of the Bullet Ant, Coyote has decided he better find out just how bad the number four ranked Velvet Ant is first. Get ready, you're about to witness Coyote’s most painful sting yet! Breaking Trail leaves the map behind and follows adventurer and animal expert Coyote Peterson and his crew as they encounter a variety of wildlife in the most amazing environments on the planet! The Brave Wilderness Channel is your one stop connection to a wild world of adventure and amazing up close animal encounters! Follow along with adventurer and animal expert Coyote Peterson and his crew as they lead you on three exciting expedition series - Emmy Award Winning Breaking Trail, Dragon Tails and Coyote’s Backyard - featuring everything from Grizzly Bears and Crocodiles to Rattlesnakes and Tarantulas…each episode offers an opportunity to learn something new. So SUBSCRIBE NOW and join the adventure that brings you closer to the most beloved, bizarre and misunderstood creatures known to man! GET READY...things are about to get WILD! New Episodes Every Tuesday and Friday at 9AM EST Subscribe Now! https://www.youtube.com/BraveWilderness Find more info at: https://www.CoyotePeterson.com Coyote Peterson on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CoyotePeterson Coyote Peterson on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoyotePeterson Coyote Peterson on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/CoyotePeterson Coyote Peterson G+: https://plus.google.com/100310803754690323805/about
STUNG by a TARANTULA HAWK!,Pets & Animals,Ant Attack,sting,stung,stinging,wasp,bullet ant,stinging ants,ant sting,painful,pain,adventure,adventurous,animals,breaking trail,coyote,coyote peterson,peterson,trail,wild,velvet ant,cow killer,velvet ant sting,cow killer sting,worst sting,painful sting,ouch,tarantula hawk,tarantula hawk sting,stung by a tarantula hawk,wasp sting,stung by a wasp,huge wasp,giant hornet,giant wasp,tarantula wasp,spider wasp,tarantula hawk wasp,insects,the wasp,wasps,Please SUBSCRIBE - http://bit.ly/BWchannel Watch More - http://bit.ly/BTcowkiller On this episode of Breaking Trail, Coyote gets stung by a terrifying Tarantula Hawk! Boasting the world’s 2nd most painful sting, the Tarantula Hawk also happens to be the largest species of wasp in North America! These enormous spider wasps are most notorious for their macabre breeding habits but are also becoming well known for their ranking on the insect sting pain index. Only trailing in behind the bullet ant in terms of “sting pain” Coyote felt it necessary to experience this fear inducing sting before taking on the highly anticipated bullet ant challenge. So will this be the end of the line in Coyote’s sting quest…or will Coyote pass his final exam before meeting the “king of sting”? - the Bullet Ant Get ready to witness Coyote’s most painful video yet! Breaking Trail leaves the map behind and follows adventurer and animal expert Coyote Peterson and his crew as they encounter a variety of wildlife in the most amazing environments on the planet! The Brave Wilderness Channel is your one stop connection to a wild world of adventure and amazing up close animal encounters! Follow along with adventurer and animal expert Coyote Peterson and his crew as they lead you on three exciting expedition series - Emmy Award Winning Breaking Trail, Dragon Tails and Coyote’s Backyard - featuring everything from Grizzly Bears and Crocodiles to Rattlesnakes and Tarantulas…each episode offers an opportunity to learn something new. So SUBSCRIBE NOW and join the adventure that brings you closer to the most beloved, bizarre and misunderstood creatures known to man! GET READY...things are about to get WILD! New Episodes Every Tuesday and Friday at 9AM EST Subscribe Now! https://www.youtube.com/BraveWilderness Find more info at: https://www.CoyotePeterson.com Coyote Peterson on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CoyotePeterson Coyote Peterson on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoyotePeterson Coyote Peterson on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/CoyotePeterson Coyote Peterson G+: https://plus.google.com/100310803754690323805/about
STUNG by a BULLET ANT!,Pets & Animals,Ants,Ant Attack,stinging,bullet ant,ant,ant sting,ant bite,painful,pain,insect,animals,breaking trail,coyote,coyote peterson,peterson,trail,wild,attack,ouch,giant ant,bullet ant challenge,bullet ant sting,bullet ant attack,most painful sting,insect sting,sting,stung,the bullet ant,bullet ant adventure,venom,big ant,stinging ant,stung by a bullet ant,most painful sting in the world,worst sting,bullet ant vs,velvet ant sting,bullet ant gloves,insects,bad,Please SUBSCRIBE - http://bit.ly/BWchannel Watch More - http://bit.ly/BTcowkiller On this episode of Breaking Trail, Coyote takes on the Bullet Ant Challenge and is STUNG by the most painful insect sting in the world! With much ANTicipation surrounding his climb to the top of the insect sting pain index, the moment has finally arrived for Coyote to experience the sting that is said to feel like “being shot by a gun” and last for over 24 hours. Will the intensity of the Bullet Ant sting match its legendary status? Get ready…you’re about to find out! HUGE THANKS to Brian Kubicki for providing all drone footage, hosting the crew at this location and making the Bullet Ant Adventure possible! To visit his amazing amphibian reserve check out his website for details - http://bit.ly/crfrogs Breaking Trail leaves the map behind and follows adventurer and animal expert Coyote Peterson and his crew as they encounter a variety of wildlife in the most amazing environments on the planet! The Brave Wilderness Channel is your one stop connection to a wild world of adventure and amazing up close animal encounters! Follow along with adventurer and animal expert Coyote Peterson and his crew as they lead you on three exciting expedition series - Emmy Award Winning Breaking Trail, Dragon Tails and Coyote’s Backyard - featuring everything from Grizzly Bears and Crocodiles to Rattlesnakes and Tarantulas…each episode offers an opportunity to learn something new. So SUBSCRIBE NOW and join the adventure that brings you closer to the most beloved, bizarre and misunderstood creatures known to man! GET READY...things are about to get WILD! New Episodes Every Tuesday and Friday at 9AM EST Subscribe Now! www.youtube.com/BraveWilderness Find more info at: www.CoyotePeterson.com Coyote Peterson on Twitter: twitter.com/CoyotePeterson Coyote Peterson on Facebook: www.facebook.com/CoyotePeterson Coyote Peterson on Instagram: www.instagram.com/CoyotePeterson Coyote Peterson G+: plus.google.com/100310803754690323805/about *Special mention to the entire Brave Wilderness staff and crew for pulling off the Herculean effort that was the making of this video…Coyote, Chris, Mark, Mario, Roel, Brian and Chance made this 20min video, in its entirety, in just 5 days of round the clock production and editing. We are very proud of our journey to reach the top of “Sting Mountain” and sincerely hope you enjoyed the adventure! Thanks for watching!
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Комментарии 3 30.12.201610:40 ссылка -1.0
"Страйкбол со снарядами-муравьями" - ты определённо знаешь толк в развлечениях
Для борьбы с маклаудами.
tanin tanin 30.12.201611:20 ответить ссылка 0.0
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