У z-toon в tumblr пару дней назад пропал 130 выпуск Kid n Teenagers / z-toon :: z-toon :: tumblr :: z-toon misc (#z-toon) :: разное :: Смешные комиксы (веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы)

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У z-toon в tumblr пару дней назад пропал 130 выпуск Kid n Teenagers

Вчера он выложил ответ на вопрос куда пропал 130 выпуск

What happened to KnT #130? A lot of fans are asking!
ok so i had this plot in mind and after posting that comic i realized that it was a bit too much? and i didn't really like it so i deleted it. sorry for the confusion just forget it existed, i'll replace it with a new 'normal' one

Kid n’ Teenagers
Other Art
Nice Art By Others
ok sc i had this plot in mind and after posting that comic i realized that it was a bit tco much? and i didn't really like it sc i deleted it. sorry fcr the confusion just fcrget it existed, i'll replace it with a new 'normal' one scon

Поэтому теперь старый 130 выпуск уже не канон

What happened to KnT #130? A lot of fans are asking! Anonymous ok so i had this plot in mind and after posting that comic i realized that it was a bit too much? and i didn't really like it so i deleted it. sorry for the confusion just forget it existed, i'll replace it with a new 'normal' one soon Posted 18 hours ago 333 notes Tagged: asks, i niaht redo the plot in the future.
Kid n’ Teenagers Asks Other Art Nice Art By Others ok sc i had this plot in mind and after posting that comic i realized that it was a bit tco much? and i didn't really like it sc i deleted it. sorry fcr the confusion just fcrget it existed, i'll replace it with a new 'normal' one scon Posted 13 hours ago 333 notes W.D. I 13 I Qatar I DeviantArt- @z-tOOn I Instagram- @z_tOOn Tagged: asks. i night redo the clot in the future. My blog All of Tumblr Follow on tumblr. ^ RSS Feed Random Archive 1=1 Mobile Search Ask Me
z-toon,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,z-toon misc (#z-toon),tumblr,песочница,z-toon,разное
Еще на тему
Нормальный был выпуск, но автору видно виднее.
kor9 kor9 31.03.201715:09 ответить ссылка 0.0
Он обещал его в будущем переделать
Пусть полежит для истории
kid 'n Teenagers -130
Так с реактора его никто удалять не собирается
Просто все равно кто-нибудь спросил бы "а что там было-то, в 130 выпуске?". Пусть тут полежит.
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