FILM GENRE POPULARITY 1910-2018 so mmf # 55? Th s graphic shows film genre popu arity overt-re, represented as the percentage of ali films released that year v. th the soec fed genre tagged cr MDB. Each genre has a c fferentax s range, so these nes show popuiarity re stive to other years, net necesssr y relative to ether genres. 15-;: 2C*b 3?b 2«-. 59j C*b 1% 0% 30*b 2C*b 10?b 0*b 2S*b 20% •¿0% 30% 20% 5% 10% 0% 0% 1920 1920 2930 1940 1930 I960 1970 19S0 1990 2000 2010 2910 1920 2930 1940 1950 19S0 1970 2990 2990 2000 2010
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