CURIOSITY Approaching Mars at mph (estimate) To ensure a successful entry, descent, and landing, engineers begin intensive preparations during tho approach phaso. 45 days before tho spacecraft enters the Martian atmosphere. Tho Deop Spaco Notwork’s 34-meter and 70 meter antennas will be able to provide tracking coverage of the spacecraft during the approach phaso. GETTING FROM THE TOP OF THE ATMOSPHERE DOWN TO THE SURFACE TAKES 7 MINUTES CURIOSITY CARRIES OVER 10 TIMES THE MASS OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS AS THE SPIRIT OR OPPORTUNITY ROVERS MARS’ ATMOSPHERE IS 100 TIMES THINNER THAN EARTH Guided Entry and Deceleration to mph (estimate) Tho spacecraft will be controlled by small rockets during descent through the Martian atmosphere, toward the surface. Peak deceleration is reached after entry into the Martian atmosphere. THE HEAT SHIELD REACHES 1,600 DEGREES Parachute Deploys at mph (estimate) Llko Viking. Pathfinder and the Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity, the Curiosity rover will be slowed by a largo parachute, at about 12 km altitude. For the Curiosity rover, which is about 5 times heavlor. tho parachute Is about 128% larger in area than the one used for Spirit and Opportunity. THE MSL SUPERSONIC PARACHUTE MUST BE ABLE TO WITHSTAND Heat Shield Separates at THE PARACHUTE WEIGHS ABOUT mph (estimate) THE AREA OF THE MER PARACHUTE When tho entry phaso is complotc and tho capsule has slowed nominally to Mach 0.6 and at about 9 km altitude, the heat shield will soparato and fall away. Powered Descent to A CAMERA ON THE BOTTOM OF THE ROVER WILL SHOOT ABOUT mph (estimate) Curiosity will be powered down to the surface of Mars. Roverso rockots will stabilize the vehicle, protecting it from any horizontal winds. 65,000 POUNDS OF FORCE 100 POUNDS OVER TWICE 5 FRAMES PER SECOND 2 MINUTES Sky Crane lowers at THE DESCENT STAGE REQUIRES mph (estimate) Tho sky crano touchdown system will lower Curiosity to a soft landing - wheels down - on the surface of Mars. TO SLOW IT S SPEED AFTER DROPPING FROM THE AEROSHELL 8 ROCKET THRUSTERS ROUGHLY 25 FEET m Touchdown at The sky crane system slows and the rover touches down. It waits 1.5 seconds to confirm that it Is on solid ground and fires several pyros (small explosive devices) activating cable cutters on the bridle and umbilical cords to froo itself from tho descent stago. Tho descent stage promptly flies away to a crash landing, and tho rover gets ready to roam UPON CONFIRMATION OF I THE BRIDLE MUST BE CUT IMMEDIATELY BEFORE FLYING THE DESC AWAY FROM THE ROVER
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Пересмотрел множество научных фильмов, перечитал кучу литературы, но потом понял, что это фото - подделка. Потому что задавленный марсоходом кот не отбрасывает тени.