Area 51 ("Fields of Verdun" Sabaton Parody) - Johnny Medlar,Music,Johnny Medlar,Medlar,John / sabaton :: Area 51

Area 51 sabaton удалённое 

Area 51 ("Fields of Verdun" Sabaton Parody) - Johnny Medlar,Music,Johnny Medlar,Medlar,John Medlar,jbirdsproductions,Johnny WLB Medlar,WLB,WeirdLittleBro,Weird Little Bro,Weird LittleBro,Fields of Verdun,Area 51,Sabaton,Meme,Anthem,Song,A memetic parody of "Fields of Verdun" by Sabaton. (This is a reupload. The original video had a spelling error.) _Lyrics_ As the dawn broke on a September day, from hundreds of miles away A million weebs assemble and airmen start to pray And the storming lasted all day long, yet the base was standing strong Heavily defended, now the trap has been sprung and the break-in’s begun Now send in the furries Beneath the Nevada desert sun Area 51 And they can’t stop everyone Naruto run Kyles and Karens See one by one Them aliens Thy memes be done And the storming has begun Naruto run Kyles and Karens Free one by one Them aliens Though a million incels have scarred the land, no one has the upper hand From the ground above the trenches, where the airmen make their stand As the trenches slowly fill with NEETs, and the base is overrun Neko girls in every corner, as their minds fill with smut, and they’re desperate to nut Thicc Alien girls; boy, don’t you want some of dat ass? These are Uncle Sam’s, the airmen said, you shall not pass The spirit of harambe guides the courage of the horde So… Go ahead! Face the fed! Arrested! If you die! Kawaii! Do it for oppai!
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Area 51 ("Fields of Verdun" Sabaton Parody) - Johnny Medlar,Music,Johnny Medlar,Medlar,John Medlar,jbirdsproductions,Johnny WLB Medlar,WLB,WeirdLittleBro,Weird Little Bro,Weird LittleBro,Fields of Verdun,Area 51,Sabaton,Meme,Anthem,Song,A memetic parody of "Fields of Verdun" by Sabaton.

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Area 51 ("Fields of Verdun" Sabaton Parody) - Johnny Medlar,Music,Johnny Medlar,Medlar,John Medlar,jbirdsproductions,Johnny WLB Medlar,WLB,WeirdLittleBro,Weird Little Bro,Weird LittleBro,Fields of Verdun,Area 51,Sabaton,Meme,Anthem,Song,A memetic parody of "Fields of Verdun" by Sabaton. (This is a
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