Kanohi Volitak Mask of Stealth Nidhiki Toa of Air Nidhiki was a Le-Matoran native to the Tren Kr / Hewkii :: Hahli :: Toa Inika/Mahri :: Roodaka :: Арт Барышня (арт девушка, art барышня, art girl) :: Lego Ero :: Lego Art (lego art) :: Bionicle :: хуманизация (humanization) :: Lariska :: Dark Hunters (Bionicle) :: Nidhiki :: Лего (Lego, LEGO,) :: AzazelLeviathan :: art (арт)

Roodaka Nidhiki Dark Hunters (Bionicle) Lego Art Lego Ero Hewkii Hahli Lariska хуманизация Арт Барышня ...Bionicle Лего Toa Inika/Mahri art AzazelLeviathan 

Kanohi Volitak Mask of Stealth
Nidhiki Toa of Air
Nidhiki was a Le-Matoran native to the Tren Krom Peninsula and late became a Toa Mangai of Air.
After becoming a Toa, Nidhiki was forced to learn to attack from the shadows due to th inhospitable nature of the Tren Krom Peninsula in order to

Kanohi Zarkita
Mask of Shatter/Splintering
Darkhunter Lariska
While Lariska was Born as a Matoran
of Plant life, she had from an early IL
age formed a strong hatred for the
system and additude of the matoran
culture that she was to her own /№	^
disliking very much a pert of.	, u
So when

Kanohi Faxon/Mutated Kano Mask of Kindred
Hahli Mahri Toa of Water
Hahli was born a Ga-Matoran and alongside her comrades Matoro, Jailer, Kongu, Nuparu and Hewki was Transformed into a Toa by the Red Star after they had aqquired Organic Masks from the Island of Kahrzahni, upon being struck by

Kanohi Sanok Mask of Accuracy
Hewkii Inika Toa of Stone
When Jailer recruited five Matoran from all over Metru Nui to join the Toa Nuva in their quest to save the life of Mata Nui, one of his choices was Hewkii. Together accompanied byTakanuva, they headed to Voya Nui.
After a short journey

Roodaka of the Vortixx Pre Metru Nui
Sigil proving alligiance to the Brotherhood of
Roodaka was born a Vortixx w and early on had a high standing in Vortixx society, however after she abandoned and left one of her comrades to die in order to further her own goals, she was cast out by the other

Kanohi Volitak Mask of Stealth Nidhiki Toa of Air Nidhiki was a Le-Matoran native to the Tren Krom Peninsula and late became a Toa Mangai of Air. After becoming a Toa, Nidhiki was forced to learn to attack from the shadows due to th inhospitable nature of the Tren Krom Peninsula in order to maximize his survival chances. During the Toa-Darkhunter War, Nidhiki was assigned to protect Turaga Dume, though he gre bored with guard duty and slippe out, joining Lhikan on his rounds While searching Ga-Metru by himself, Nidhiki was confronted and cornered by the Darkhunter Lariska, who proposed that Nidhiki betray the city in exchange for a leadership position in it. Tempted by dreams of conquest, Nidhiki agreed to lead the Toa into the ambush so the Hunters could win the war. Lhikan sent Nidhiki to meet ^y some supply boats the next nig,A but Nidhiki left without hearing where, and instead met with Lariska and completed their agreement.The next morning, Nidhiki told Lhikan and the other Toa that the Darkhunter's base was hidden in the Canyon of Unending Whispers, and that every Toa was needed in order to end the war. Nidhiki led the Toa into the valley, where they were surrounded by Dark Hunters. However, Lhikan had discovered his betrayal, and prepared a counter-ambush with Toa reinforcements, which had arrived on the supply boats Nidhiki was supposed to have visited. With his betrayal revealed, Nidhiki was told to leave or face execution.
Kanohi Zarkita Mask of Shatter/Splintering Darkhunter Lariska While Lariska was Born as a Matoran of Plant life, she had from an early IL age formed a strong hatred for the system and additude of the matoran culture that she was to her own /№ ^ disliking very much a pert of. , u So when her Village was raided by Darkhunters and the IKfrtj.T' | oppertuntiy came she MaVt Jgljl JLV. abbandoned her former btfCYf/ V _ people and joined the Moraly Ambigious »m ^ Darkhunters, While Lariska soon learned how ruthless and even | r. brutal the Darkhunters often were, they also allowed for much more freedom, but most importantely they too had a strong hatred for mata nui £ and their prized Toa. Soon enough Lariska even got the Ji\/>Y}. rare oppertunity for an experimental biological “upgrade“ of sorts that was developed by the Brotherhood of Makuta. The Procedure for this upgrade had been copied and even somewhat developed by the more science oriented members under the Darkhunters. This Upgrade allowed Matoran like Lariska to gain the Physical Attributes of a Toa, such as increased Height, Strength and endurance but alsoe limited access to elemental and i Mask Powers, powers that would normaly be Jra reserved for a Toa. with these new found abilities she became an even more effective huntress and later she even served as a supperior and mentor for newcomer Darkhunters Krekka and nidhiki
Kanohi Faxon/Mutated Kano Mask of Kindred Hahli Mahri Toa of Water Hahli was born a Ga-Matoran and alongside her comrades Matoro, Jailer, Kongu, Nuparu and Hewki was Transformed into a Toa by the Red Star after they had aqquired Organic Masks from the Island of Kahrzahni, upon being struck by lightning the mask bonded to the newly formed toa and gave them biological armour. After their Victory against the Piraka they ventured into the sea of the coast of Voya Nui towards Mahri Nu to recover the Mask of Life. However on their journey into the sea they entered the black waters of the Pit. These Evil waters along side the life giving presence of the Kanohi Ignika led to both their Masks aswell as their Bodies and Armours being severely mutated, this even granted them new mask powers. After Matoros sacrifice they were transported back to the coast from which they had entered the sea in the first place. Howerver in doing so their now only for the water adapted Armours and Masks quickly deteareated deteriorated, after this Hahli and her Team mates once again dawned their original Masks
Kanohi Sanok Mask of Accuracy Hewkii Inika Toa of Stone When Jailer recruited five Matoran from all over Metru Nui to join the Toa Nuva in their quest to save the life of Mata Nui, one of his choices was Hewkii. Together accompanied byTakanuva, they headed to Voya Nui. After a short journey through an the Tunnel of Darkness, they reached Karzahni, where Takanuva was forced to leave them by a barrier which kept him from entering. Here, the place's ruler forcibly removed Hewkii's Kakama and left him the Organic Sanok. The six Matoran escaped and found one of last Great Toa Boats, which they used to transport them out of Karzahni and to Voya Nui. On their way to Voya Nui, over the sea, they were struck by Bolts of Lightning sent out by the Red Star, This transformed the Matoran into the Toa Inika and acrivated their new Organic Masks which sprang to life and bonded to the newly formed Toa giving them new Powers and an almost impenetriable Organic Armour. They then soon arrived on Voya Nui. When the team encountered Piraka Vezok, Hewkii used his Mask of Accuracy to hurl a boulder at him, but Vezok was able to escape him. After encountering the Voya Nui Resistance Team, Hewkii and Matoro teamed up with Kazi and Balta to free the infected Matoran. However, Kazi and Balta took them to a remote region of the island instead. Hewkii thought they were being led into a trap, but it turned out that they had found a badly wounded Axonn.
Roodaka of the Vortixx Pre Metru Nui Sigil proving alligiance to the Brotherhood of Roodaka was born a Vortixx w and early on had a high standing in Vortixx society, however after she abandoned and left one of her comrades to die in order to further her own goals, she was cast out by the other Vortixx and was forced to leave her home island of Xia. after this she traveled from island to island for many years, on these travels she eventually crossed paths with the Dark Hunters. While she had no intention of ever actually joining the Dark Hunters, she did want to learn of their Skills in Combat and Science. While at First against the idea of teaching an outsider, the Shadowed One, the leader of the Dark Hunters eventually did teach Roodaka some of their secrets after realizing her potential and wanting recruit her as a second in comman Eventually Roodakas craving for Power became to great even for the Shadowed One and so she was cast out once again but not before having both Mutated former Toa Nidhiki and stollen many of the Dark Hunters most prized secrets. Shortly after this she was contacted by Makuta Teridax who was interessted in the Dark Hunters secrets and knowledge. Makuta
AzazelLeviathan,Roodaka,Bionicle,Лего,Lego, LEGO,,Nidhiki,Dark Hunters (Bionicle),Lego Art,lego art,Lego Ero,Hewkii,Toa Inika/Mahri,Hahli,Lariska,хуманизация,humanization,Арт Барышня,арт девушка, art барышня, art girl,art,арт
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-	doesn't like group projects, -talented stalker,
-	had crush on Roodaka,
-	can't sleep at night, -member of archery club.
-	class president,
-	blabbermouth,
-	one of the best students,
-	likes spending time with animals.
Matau	Onewa
-from countryside,
-	proud of her ac

bttrswt1 art барышня art,арт r63 humanization Vakama Nokama Matau Nuju Onewa Whenua Toa Metru Bionicle Лего,Lego, LEGO, Кликабельно Lego Art,lego art Lego Ero

Vakama - doesn't like group projects, -talented stalker, - had crush on Roodaka, - can't sleep at night, -member of archery club. Nokama - class president, - blabbermouth, - one of the best students, - likes spending time with animals. Matau Onewa -from countryside, - proud of her ac