Dorky dateFaithful DateTomboy hag dateFoodie date / Chivalry Starved :: BasedBinkie :: без перевода :: artist

BasedBinkie artist Chivalry Starved без перевода 

Dorky date

What is> а\л, ei/vgu/beer's \ -favorite tea?,BasedBinkie,artist,Chivalry Starved,без перевода

Faithful Date
You’ll return to me V Uion’t цои? У,BasedBinkie,artist,Chivalry Starved,без перевода
Tomboy hag date
' íNs»..,BasedBinkie,artist,Chivalry Starved,без перевода

Foodie date

Hey! Check these out They got all sorts oP Pood here! Don't worry I got you covered S. Musike (swoochie)
Come on let's go! ' There's so much more! You better treat me ^ some alright? ^,BasedBinkie,artist,Chivalry Starved,без перевода

xi What is> а\л, ei/vgu/beer's \ -favorite tea?
You’ll return to me V Uion’t цои? У
' íNs»..
Hey! Check these out They got all sorts oP Pood here! Don't worry I got you covered S. Musike (swoochie) Come on let's go! ' There's so much more! You better treat me ^ some alright? ^
BasedBinkie,artist,Chivalry Starved,без перевода
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Ничего оно не dorky, ня. Я, например, от шутки про чай восхохотамши.
General General 17.01.202411:20 ответить ссылка -0.7
У меня от умиления чуть лыба не треснула потеряла целостность
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BasedBinkie artist Chivalry Starved без перевода BasedBinkie artist Chivalry Starved

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Sweetie? Shouldn’t you be in bed right k now?
Oh dear gods above...
Baby-Are you Then I accept, everyday I want you and Ciara to warm my bed, I want you to wear chains and collars under my freedom is now forfeit, i r'v. you all belong to me.	A
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L Well are you?	.
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BasedBinkie artist Chivalry Starved без перевода Landsknecht BasedBinkie artist Chivalry Starved

Then I accept, everyday I want you and Ciara to warm my bed, I want you to wear chains and collars under my freedom is now forfeit, i r'v. you all belong to me. A W-wait... wh-wha- That’s what this offer sounds like, you’re offering yourselves to be slaves... L Well are you? . You offered your