В статьях про телегониво почему-то априори считается, что первый партнер был, во-первых, негром, во-вторых, дебилом. И рождаться будут только дебильные негритята. Но если внимательно подумать, то телегонию можно использовать в полезных целях. Представляете, девственница-тян ловит на первый раз спортсмена и комсомольца, высокого да белобрысого, а потом от любого анонимуса всю жизнь рождает расовых арийцев и победителей олимпиад. Удобно!
В новости как бы случайно забыли уточнить, что пикетчиков было всего трое.
Meanwhile, three American “Street Preachers” greeted huge crowds of Olympic fans and volunteers at Sochi train station on Friday with signs reading “Homo sex is sin” and “God bless Putin for his stand against the sin of homosexuality.” The three men were taken to a police station that afternoon, but were reportedly allowed to return to the busy square after they promised to put the “God bless Putin banner” away.
Meanwhile, three American “Street Preachers” greeted huge crowds of Olympic fans and volunteers at Sochi train station on Friday with signs reading “Homo sex is sin” and “God bless Putin for his stand against the sin of homosexuality.” The three men were taken to a police station that afternoon, but were reportedly allowed to return to the busy square after they promised to put the “God bless Putin banner” away.