It's about checkers. When a piece reaches the furthest row from the player who controls that piece, it is crowned and becomes a king. One of the pieces which had been captured is placed on top of the king so that it is twice as high as a single piece.
well, there is nothing bad in trying to get more attention, of course if that person's actions don't cross any borders. Everyone is starting to need an attention at some point of his/her life. Acting job, for example, is all about attention, I think. If no one cares about the certain actor/actress, he/she won't popular.
Just a doodler.
Thanks :)
please, use only english language here :)
Nothing :)
How's that possible?77 He had destroyed all his costumes!11 I've seen it in Iron man 3!11
please, don't forget about nsfw/erotic tags (nsfw in this case) for pics like this :)
I think, that maybe he just spent more time than usual on this piece. Maybe he loves Bayo himself or just did it for Bayo fans.
Jago can draw, but it seems like most of his works were done in a rush, because he doesn't give much attention to details (which are very improtant, as I think).