Это я видел, абсолютно идиотский способ будить личный состав.
Мне интересно другое, вот эти видео на которых прилетает по Донецку, по Луганску, по близлежащим населенным пунктам (до событий февраля 22 года) - это чьих рук дело?
>> по американской рецептуре
Знаменитый советский пломбир (разновидность оригинального французкого пломбира времен Наполеона) производился по ГОСТ 117-41 (41 - год выпуска) и это чисто советский рецепт.
Сомневающиеся могут посмотреть каталоги продукции американских производителей Hershey’s Ice Cream (1894), Wells Enterprises (1913), HP Hood (1846), Blue Bell Creameries (1907) пломбиров у них нет и вовсе не потому что они просрали все полимеры, а по причине написаной выше.
Какой-то американец даже пытался понять где можно купить Russian plombir, говоря что у него другой вкус, отличный от мороженных США:
Russian ice cream (in particular, this kind) tastes very different from US ice cream. Why is this, and where can I find similar fresh ice cream in the Bay Area?
"Plombir" might be what I'm looking for, but it apparently only exists in Russia.
>Результаты подтверждают гипотезу о том, что долгосрочное сокращение осины в северной части Йеллоустона во второй половине 20-го века было вызвано высоким уровнем травоядности копытных,
А это никто не опровергал. Только пишут, что возвращение волков не вернет к тому, как было.
After humans exterminated wolves nearly a century ago, elk grew so abundant that they all but eliminated willow shrubs. Without willows to eat, beavers declined. Without beaver dams, fast-flowing streams cut deeper into the terrain. The water table dropped below the reach of willow roots. Now it’s too late for even high levels of wolf predation to restore the willows.
При этом есть другие исследования, которые опровергают приписываемый волкам реузльтат:
But some ecologists had their doubts. The first major study critical of the wolf effect appeared in 2010, led by Matthew Kauffman of the Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit in Laramie. When researchers drilled boreholes into more than 200 trees in Yellowstone and analysed growth patterns, they found that the recruitment of aspen had not ended all at once. Some trees had reached adult size as late as 1960, long after the wolves had gone. And some stands had stopped growing new adults as early as 1892, well before the wolves left. The aspen petered out over decades, as elk populations slowly grew, suggesting that the major influence on the trees is the size of the elk population, rather than elk behaviour in response to wolves. And although wolves influence elk numbers, many other factors play a part, says Kauffman: grizzly bears are increasingly killing elk; droughts deplete elk populations; and humans hunt elk that migrate out of the park in winter.
When Kauffman and his colleagues studied aspen in areas where risk of attack by wolves was high or low, they obtained results different from Ripple’s. Rather than look at the five tallest aspen in each stand, as Ripple had done, they tallied the average tree height and used locations of elk kills to map the risk of wolf attacks. By these measures, they found no differences between trees in high- and low-risk areas.
Questions have also emerged about the well-publicized relationship between wolves and willows. Marshall and two colleagues investigated the controls on willow shrubs by examining ten years’ worth of data from open plots and plots surrounded by cages to keep the elk out. Her team found that the willows were not thriving in all the protected sites. The only plants that grew above 2 metres — beyond the reach of browsing elk — were those in areas where simulated beaver dams had raised the water table.
Arthur Middleton, a Yale ecologist who works on Yellowstone elk, says that such studies have disproved the simple version of the trophic cascade story. The wolves, elk and vegetation exist in an ecosystem with hundreds of other factors, many of which seem to be important, he says.
>>их уже неизвестно, кто хоронил
да все известно. там была практика захоронения украинских солдатов в братских могилах силами вс рф. один из эпизодов попал на видео еще в мае https://t.me/sashakots/35695
Мне интересно другое, вот эти видео на которых прилетает по Донецку, по Луганску, по близлежащим населенным пунктам (до событий февраля 22 года) - это чьих рук дело?
На фото разновидность модели 1410 с короткими ножками, сейчас не выпускается. Стоила примерно $1500.
Знаменитый советский пломбир (разновидность оригинального французкого пломбира времен Наполеона) производился по ГОСТ 117-41 (41 - год выпуска) и это чисто советский рецепт.
Сомневающиеся могут посмотреть каталоги продукции американских производителей Hershey’s Ice Cream (1894), Wells Enterprises (1913), HP Hood (1846), Blue Bell Creameries (1907) пломбиров у них нет и вовсе не потому что они просрали все полимеры, а по причине написаной выше.
Какой-то американец даже пытался понять где можно купить Russian plombir, говоря что у него другой вкус, отличный от мороженных США:
Russian ice cream (in particular, this kind) tastes very different from US ice cream. Why is this, and where can I find similar fresh ice cream in the Bay Area?
"Plombir" might be what I'm looking for, but it apparently only exists in Russia.
А это никто не опровергал. Только пишут, что возвращение волков не вернет к тому, как было.
After humans exterminated wolves nearly a century ago, elk grew so abundant that they all but eliminated willow shrubs. Without willows to eat, beavers declined. Without beaver dams, fast-flowing streams cut deeper into the terrain. The water table dropped below the reach of willow roots. Now it’s too late for even high levels of wolf predation to restore the willows.
При этом есть другие исследования, которые опровергают приписываемый волкам реузльтат:
But some ecologists had their doubts. The first major study critical of the wolf effect appeared in 2010, led by Matthew Kauffman of the Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit in Laramie. When researchers drilled boreholes into more than 200 trees in Yellowstone and analysed growth patterns, they found that the recruitment of aspen had not ended all at once. Some trees had reached adult size as late as 1960, long after the wolves had gone. And some stands had stopped growing new adults as early as 1892, well before the wolves left. The aspen petered out over decades, as elk populations slowly grew, suggesting that the major influence on the trees is the size of the elk population, rather than elk behaviour in response to wolves. And although wolves influence elk numbers, many other factors play a part, says Kauffman: grizzly bears are increasingly killing elk; droughts deplete elk populations; and humans hunt elk that migrate out of the park in winter.
When Kauffman and his colleagues studied aspen in areas where risk of attack by wolves was high or low, they obtained results different from Ripple’s. Rather than look at the five tallest aspen in each stand, as Ripple had done, they tallied the average tree height and used locations of elk kills to map the risk of wolf attacks. By these measures, they found no differences between trees in high- and low-risk areas.
Questions have also emerged about the well-publicized relationship between wolves and willows. Marshall and two colleagues investigated the controls on willow shrubs by examining ten years’ worth of data from open plots and plots surrounded by cages to keep the elk out. Her team found that the willows were not thriving in all the protected sites. The only plants that grew above 2 metres — beyond the reach of browsing elk — were those in areas where simulated beaver dams had raised the water table.
Arthur Middleton, a Yale ecologist who works on Yellowstone elk, says that such studies have disproved the simple version of the trophic cascade story. The wolves, elk and vegetation exist in an ecosystem with hundreds of other factors, many of which seem to be important, he says.
да все известно. там была практика захоронения украинских солдатов в братских могилах силами вс рф. один из эпизодов попал на видео еще в мае