Примерно вот так меняет.

In essence, each author represents an “alternative” version of the respective worlds. After pressing him further, he explained that only the Studio material (rulebooks, codexes, army books and suchlike) was canonical
Ну отлично. Кто продал тебе эльдарский корень, чтобы "ПРЕДВИДЕТЬ!!" ?
А ты смешной

George Mann, Head of Black Library, had the following points to make:

George emphasized that Black Library’s main objective was to “tell good stories”. He agreed that some points in certain novels could, perhaps, have benefited from the editor’s red pen (a certain multilaser was mentioned) but was at pains to explain that, just as each hobbyist tends to interpret the background and facts of the Warhammer and 40k worlds differently, so does each author. In essence, each author represents an “alternative” version of the respective worlds. After pressing him further, he explained that only the Studio material (rulebooks, codexes, army books and suchlike) was canonical in that is HAD to be adhered-to in the plots and background of the novels. There was no obligation on authors to adhere to facts and events as spelled out in Black Library work.
Чтобы у Филла Келли попинали щенят? Да, конечно=/
Когда думал, что более нелепыми волковолки уже быть не могут...
Ну...младенец! С синем чем-то на губах! А ещё знак Кхорна! Значит, он ультрамарина/тау съел! Смешно же!..
Не, в связи с отменным чувством юмора модератора
В переводах некоторых комиков, чтобы это не пропадало, такие моменты писали primerno vot tak, syka blat