"Are you kidding me ?
Ow fuck I'm coming !"
you forgot the pussycat :)
It consumes electricity, I live in France so this is nuclear energy at 98%, so that is not good for the planet, you can warm your water with gas which is a natural source of energy. :)
What about electricity ? Products in water ? Price of the machine and cost of recycling it ?
You surely can introduce humor in a wedding, but wedding pics are the only thing you keep forever, humor has its place in your mind, pictures are taken to be shown to your children and grand children. That's my point of view, maybe yours is different but when the wife is not okay with the joke, I don't think that's a good humor.
He just ruined wedding pictures, do you think it's funny ? Then you're lame too
Do you really know how to wash dishes ??
You just fill two basins with hot water, then wash your dishes in one and clean them in the other...
How could this spend more water than a dishwasher ?
It's not funny
A dishwasher uses too much energy and water..