I know almost the Kana but just a few Kanji, and I know how to write Japanese on my keyboard :)
But I don't speak Japanese, just know a few words ^^
へ へ
の の
There are 3 kind of Japanese signs 1 kind for Chinese
In Chinese and Japanese, the signs that mean words are called Kanji (which you was talking about)
And in Japanese there are signs that mean syllables too, which are called Kana

Kana :
- 1 kind called Hiragana which is used to write Japanese words and help pronouncing Kanji
- 1 kind called Katakana which is used to write other languages-based words as coffee, helicopter, and many others

There are 46 Hiragana, 46 Katakana (same as Hiragana but written differently)
There are over 50000 Kanji but you need to know approximately 3000 to read correctly Japanese
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I'm actually reading Game Of Thrones, before that, LOTR was my favorite story, but now GoT is underrating all that I knew before :p
That's called a Kanji, not a hieroglyph :p
And that was true, the kanji was wrong x)
LOTR but i like both
These nooby white hats !
I'm sure these kind of issues can be sold 1500$ multiple times
Whats the problem ? :D
Ahah I already did it :p
True story (:
I don't know but I think you're right