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Once on the ship, he opened a large valve in the engine room and a second in another compartment where the crew lives. He closed the fuel valves and turned off the electricity so there would be no leaks. He told three crewmen to abandon ship and they started screaming that he was crazy. He reminded them that they too were Ukrainians and that his homeland had come under attack. He also told them that he would take full responsibility. They tried to stop the water leak, along with workers from Port Adriano . When the police arrived, the sailor told them: “The owner of this ship is a criminal who makes a living selling weapons and now they kill Ukrainians .». This Sunday, the arrested man was brought to justice and the judge released him with charges.

хера себе цена... в Литве за 500 евро можно найти тачку 2000 года в более менее рабочем состоянии.
только по определению НАТО и UN страны Балтии это северная Европа.
Они 25 лет старались, иногда даже хороводы водили!
Живе Беласрусь!
Датой возникновения белорусской государственности считается 1 января 1919 года (wikipedia.ru) Очень тонкий учебничек выйдет :D
ага, 27 лет терпят, а вот теперь свергнут? У них менталитет не такой, они за свободу никогда не боролись, так и будут терпеть.