Sorry, but what is this even about?
Dafuq? That should be stickers for kids, right?
If I check the format of the post it shows .mp4 and runs smooth but if I click "link to the gif" it shows me a laggy .gif instead, is it generating a .gif from the original post or what?
For fuck's sake, this gif has 70MB!
Upload the video first instead!
And here I was thinking it was my internet conection.
So... What's up in this comic?
So cute!
Waifu material detected.
That's why I've quitted playing MMO.
Well, THAT and PKers and P2P etc.
Yeah, it's pretty amazing.
...Hulk would be envious.
It's nopehouse in nopestreet... in nopesville.
The horror knocks (and opens) your door!