I'm just wondering what kind of family this is.
I can't see the difference.
Well, this is a cruel world he must know it right away.
Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes (cover) Jess Greenberg
JessGreenbergl <?v«ieo*	1.459	414
pV 13	«»2*	*'?52l	p	711
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TheFuentes5!>51	1 rta-5 Qe'etSen
Please become a pom star	
B«antWOOnMn	68, é
More pics on www.imfunny.net
I hope it is.
Aren't all marriages kind of gay? As a man, when you get married, essentially what you're saying is, "I will never touch another woman as long as I live, now let’s put jewelry on each other and dance.”
Sad but true [2]
I saw this girl, she was very cute but she was wearing a t-shirt and it said: ’I Heart Nerds’ on it. I was just looking at her and I was like, ’God, I wish I could make her force fuck an engineer m with cystic acne for just “ hours and hours and hours.’ Until she was just like, ’Alright, I don’t
what?! O_O
These both are women?! I tought it was a male.