Раз уж вам так понравилась Валерия,то вот вам отдельный пост с ней. Госпожа Валерия Диффенбах (Valeria Diefenbach) - инструктор по стрельбе. Имеет звание гауптмана. Последнее фото часто используется при рекрутировании в Бундесвер. В конце поста линк на видео с ней.
Valeria Diefenbach joined the German armed forces in 2002. She studied business administration at the Bundeswehr University in Munich and following that she worked as a radio editor based in Koblenz. After her deployment in Afghanistan in 2010, where she was the head of a local radio station for the population of Mazar-e Sharif, she joined the Research and Development Department of the Academy for Information and Communication (AIK) of the German Armed Forces. ( )
да всегда так было. с религией уж точно.
Valeria Diefenbach joined the German armed forces in 2002. She studied business administration at the Bundeswehr University in Munich and following that she worked as a radio editor based in Koblenz. After her deployment in Afghanistan in 2010, where she was the head of a local radio station for the population of Mazar-e Sharif, she joined the Research and Development Department of the Academy for Information and Communication (AIK) of the German Armed Forces. ( )