Looks like this guy love chocolate with whipped cream if i understood correctly
So stupid that eat banana with peel and can't put clothes on correctly.
And invite all to 8:45
i think youre some kind of magical deity who is a complete asshole and created to piss me off
i just login on jr.com from PC first time in my life and see this, whats happening to me suka bliat!
delete add tags
Mine works just fine!
^ DOUOSADM 29.Jan.2022 23:40 response '
It's because youre a dick!
lodinl 29.Jan.2022 23:42 response v
Well thank you Odin! Want some?
^ DOUOSADM 29.Jan.2022 23:44 resp
And how it can help with my problem?
lodinl 29.Jan.2022 23:47 respon
Well it takes