Беспроводная зарядка. С полной зарядкой дает 5 часов игры

Wireless Charging
No connector, no screws, no lid. Just place Pixels in their carrying case to recharge them.
Each charge will last at least 5 hours of constant play, more if you can keep yourself from fidgeting with them :)
пишут что все нормально:

Excellent Balance
Pixels are specifically made to have a uniform density throughout, making them well balanced despite their complex insides.

теги много удобно своевременно искать пост помощь баян нет радость праздник всем
Добавил тег, сначала нечаянно забыл, пардон.
Точно до короновируса.
Это было 2019/08/14 в 10:45 по местному времени в аэропорту Гонконга.

Chinese police and Global Times reporter caught by Hong Kong protesters
Two suspicious Chinese men detained by protesters at Hong Kong Airport


Protesters rescuing another protester from police (Source: Stand News Live)
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