boating with otto

my latest otto and victoria piece was inspired by an sketch my daughter did for me. it was a fun collaboration. i hope to work with her again soon
otto and the dog park

Studies show that socialization contributes to the good health and demeanor of your domesticated cephalopod. Dog parks are a great source of enrichment for your pet and a great place for you to catch up on some reading.
walkies for victoria

time for a little walk in an octopus garden...
otto's sweet ride

otto's first ride without his training wheels...a proud day for any octopus
swinging with otto

waiting for the bus has never been so fun, thanks to your domesticated cephalopod!
walkies for otto

celebrating the joys of the domesticated cephalopod!
hide and go seek

octopuses are masters of camouflage witch makes for very fun games of hide and seek.
sunday ride

happiness is a merry-go-round and seaweed ice cream