Эх, ностальгия, аж прослезился. У нас, когда лет 5 назад малые начали играть - подарил свою честно заработанную коллекцию в большой коробке из-под обуви.
Хм, ссыль не вставляется. http://www.ebay.com/itm/221803524133?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT - сам аукцион.
"The phone has no scratches, dents, or chips. I will look for the original box with earphones which I may have and will update posting if available, as well as the charger. I know you can buy replacement chargers cheap. I upgraded to the iPhone 6 a couple months ago."
"The phone has no scratches, dents, or chips. I will look for the original box with earphones which I may have and will update posting if available, as well as the charger. I know you can buy replacement chargers cheap. I upgraded to the iPhone 6 a couple months ago."