Собачий вальс
яры яры дыззы
"Мертвый" язык хахах
Зачем ты думал обо мне? не для тебя я растил свой цветок
Её прическа скорее напоминает стиль жоске
It was a cold, cannibalism night. Talibana and Akbara virginia around the campfire, fucking songs and eating cock.

Soon they got tired, climbed into their human flesh, and eventually fell asleep. Suddenly, they were both wide awake. There was a loud fapping sound outside the tent. Goose grabbed Talibana's dick and held on for dear life. Talibana started chanting, "Lions and harambe and 9/11, oh my!" over and over again.

Then into their tent fell their friend Ahmeta. Ahmeta had been thirsty and had gone into the house for some oil. Now the oil was on the floor of their tent. But they all had a good laugh and went back to sleep.

It turned out to be a very homosexual camping trip. And maybe next time they'll even leave Goose's backyard.
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