Sharea characteristicSwith th unique Hre aanipulation abiliV Height:0.6n, Weight:8.5kg Te / Pokémon (Покемоны) :: evolution :: графика :: evolution :: sandbox :: fandoms ::

evolution графика песочница ...Pokémon 
Sharea characteristicSwith th unique Hre aanipulation abiliV
Height:0.6n, Weight:8.5kg Teapcraent:Uild Tail-tip:500*C
The i3aae on the tip oi its tail is the oost unique leature oi this genus. It indicates the strength oX the creature as well as its aood. Onl when the creature dies does its tail
Sharea characteristicSwith th unique Hre aanipulation abiliV Height:0.6n, Weight:8.5kg Teapcraent:Uild Tail-tip:500*C The i3aae on the tip oi its tail is the oost unique leature oi this genus. It indicates the strength oX the creature as well as its aood. Onl when the creature dies does its tail ilaae ever extinguish. All aenbers oi the genus are able to project a //' burst oi iteae iron y the aouth. Teaperature and \ ▼ accuracy o., the —- varies based or tlv; J?*-skill and oxperienoe oi the individual. • * • • - JL- * Its orest, large olaws and short teaper 3et this creature apart iron I. tritoAdelii. Height: la, weight:19££ Teaperaer.t: Aggressive Tail-tip:800*C I. cristacalvarius elongated sagittal crest adapts into separate horns in I. iratus. I. cristacalvarius' ov«r-proriouoed shoulders actually bold/rudic^ntary undeveloped vings» Reseablimg a aytimfai dragon, this vea^ily-argered winged lizard should ajywoaclied .7±th great care. He Ight i 1.7c,, weight: 90‘icg. n'ir.gspar. :4r. Tenperafcnt:Violent Tail-tipi 1200'O' Beingytoo heavy i'or his wings/alOne to cprry hia, he r^iei on nie,ih4ne bladde P—-ior^ouyanc,,'. p\eyo%her C-- two aenters/oi' \txip'tfeMicj/, produce^e^harrCXbuyy *{iar£\is projeoted froa m^iouth while breathing produce a white-hot
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This bipedal turtle is able to project water iron its couth at great force as a sear.» of defense.
Heights 0.5a, Weights 9kg Temperments Playful 3iast pressures800PSI
Able to withdraw completely into its shell against a threat.
Water that is ingest^fl is stored in a muscular hydraulic sac
em_cemku em_cemku 06.06.201323:08 ответить ссылка 0.0
A toad-like crcature that exhibits a unique symbiotic relationship with a plant that has only ever been observed in association with this genus
Height: 0.7m, Weight: 6.9kg Temperment; SMfaleeivc Botanj^eT^i'ofcass: 20*-25*
The plant symbiote is known a3 Bellicus bestiocolus, reflecting its
em_cemku em_cemku 06.06.201323:08 ответить ссылка 0.0
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Шах и мат Христиане!

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Если бы бог существовал, то как Чармандер эволюционировал в Чаризарда? Шах и мат Христиане!