www.sundaysport.com October 6.2013 £2230 7 A LOO WITH A VIEW: Ths mystery dumper lay* cable down Mike'» stack HOUSEHOLDER Mike Williams Is furious -after a foul-bowcllod hooligan unloaded a hi*, steaming SHIT down his freshly-L, swept chimney. Cnrpct fitter k Mike tU'fi) had heen looking ^k inrw.iri: • L up 1hr fi\r<i r«‘ill ■ tin- t h, \,-.u-gg :en. per.-.lure*. \ took u turn I »iniit h in hi» • I home city of J Aberdeen. m But those m plans went B / down the drain ft J after the voting M oik unleUMd a M plop down the X flue, which landed f with a nasty splatter J in the grate. J Unwed Mike, 34, & raired: *1 ww* just getting ¡1 home from work when n By SIMON DEAN 00 lA neighbour ran up and *ald they'd noon a wee ncd (Scottish for a ruffian) • hutting down the chimney. ’Ho'« even taken a wee nhoto on his phone. When I opened the door t he amclI wan incredible. The wee bastard* shite had landed in the grate -it was nil over the place! Bastard *It was all on the rug in front of the fire. There * no way itII bruah out. What the bell am I going to Say to the Insurance? *Och - a ncd shat doon the chimncv? *If I get my hunds on the bastard I'll kick him in the ante so hard hell never • hit again.* A source at Grampian Police said the crime was "unpleasant and unusual". • Do you rsoogntos tho chimney »Mtter? Cal our new »desk on 0844 441 5128.
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