Grumpy Cat Does The Harlem Shake (Ad Free),Animals,,Best Harlem Shake Ever. No Ads. Let me explain about the ad on the bottom that pops up. Originally this video had an extra 30 seconds at the ad telling people to subscribe to someone's channel. People were complaining about that in the comments. I took their video and cut the end out. I can't control the ad on the bottom. Whoever owns the song owns the monetizing rights. Any video with this song has to have that ad. I wish I could take that part away, but I don't even have the option to do it. Mashable asked me to credit them for the original video. I apologize for not crediting them for it sooner. It didn't even occur to me to do that. My mistake. Here is a link to the original video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyhtcamxWo0
видео,video,Harlem Shake,Злой котэ,песочница
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