SWAT team rescue operation caught on video,Entertainment,,Ashekelon, Israel - 30 year old man who / teamwork :: SWAT (Special Weapons Assault Team, Special Weapons And Tactics, спецназ полиции) :: Epic :: видео (video)

Epic видео SWAT teamwork песочница 

SWAT team rescue operation caught on video,Entertainment,,Ashekelon, Israel - 30 year old man who suffers from mental illness was arrested today (Tuesday) after he barricaded himself in his brother's apartment in Ashkelon with his four year old niece. Police force called to the scene conducted negotiations with him to bring an end Htbtzroto and release the girl, after he refused to open the door to the girl's parents. Eventually, a SWAT team was called in and took control of the situation, releasing the child from the apartment on the seventh floor. an initial investigation into the incident suggests that he did not threaten the girl and was not armed during the incident.
Epic,видео,video,SWAT,Special Weapons Assault Team, Special Weapons And Tactics, спецназ полиции,teamwork,песочница
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