Японская компания Autoway Tire показала, как важно иметь хорошую резину. / авто :: японцы :: шины :: реклама (рекламные фото приколы )

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Японская компания Autoway Tire показала, как важно иметь хорошую резину.

[FULL] THE SCARIEST ADVERT EVER? Scary Japanese Commercial for Autoway Tire,News,,THE SCARIEST ADVERT EVER? Scary Japanese Commercial for Autoway Tire Not for the Faint Hearted Japanese SHOCK Tactic to Sell You'll Be Seeing This Scary Japanese Tire Commercial Again In Your Nightmares Is this Japanese tyre commercial the most terrifying ad ever? Is this the scariest advert ever? Japanese tyre commercial comes with its own disclaimer and health warning. The most terrifying advert you will ever watch! Japanese tyre commercial that comes with its own health warning (so don't blame us...) Advertisers pride themselves on creating eye-catching commercials. But this advert is not only definitely eye-catching - it's heart-stopping and stomach-churning too. The terrifying TV advert is the creation of a Japanese tyre manufacturer, who want to show just how well their wheels perform in dangerous and unexpected conditions. And it doesn't get more unexpected than this - the short 40-second thriller even comes with its own health warning at the start. After telling the viewer it's not for the faint of heart, it adds that people should not watch if they have physical or mental problems or need to see their doctor regularly. And it finally clears themselves of any liability for 'illness, injuries or damage' caused by watching. It claims to be a really great snow tyre and with winter coming is a timely reminder motorists need to protect themselves on the road. As the motorist drives through a dark, abandoned road, snowflakes drift across the windscreen. The eerie, pitch black surroundings mean only a tiny portion of the road can be seen. Out of nowhere, a ghost-like girl dressed only in a thin nightdress can be seen hunched over in the road. What happens next is guaranteed to make you jump, shriek and vow never to watch television again. After the terrifying encounter, the motorist can be seen frantically reversing away from the gory spectacle. The unexpected visitor is seen to be helpfully holding an open laptop with details of the tyre maker Autoway. Already causing a sensation online, one viewer said: 'Got me, 10/10', and another added: 'This is a tyre commercial. Almost choked on my own heart at that.' Another said: 'I thought this was awesome! Jumpscares are difficult to do convincingly. This one had a lot of punch. 'Great suspense, great effects (especially the sounds!'
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