APPROVED Äy S7A* AMERItâl IfACUE imperson- ation Melter Projects Glue . /Perfbfmm« Chameleon \ д,С1 Master of Puppetiy Metal- Melting Ray / / Master of Robin- Acrobatics Projectiles Shocker Drive Giant Wheel Mbro- Sho<k G»u«\'kts Hobgoblin Posvered Prostheses * » / Goblin- y X / Themed TentacleX \ Weapons Arms / \ / / Truth- V Oiscoveiy ' «A l055O of. \ Truth / 'Éieciro-N magnetic night s.Ham«ss/ Enchanted L Objects Green Goblin Vulture Dr. Octopus Titanium Man j/variousV Powers vii Enchanted/ \Gems / 'Socr»9th&^ Stamina va En<hsntíd. ЧОолЪвг / Wizard Crimson Dynamo" / и»?м. \ AD'/ЭфОСЛ & \laM>3lr.ir/ Armored Suit /fiij&t and\ E r.Mr.<jd Eygsigîuvla к irmMatal. /AimwedX Wrecker Suit W/ \ Теккорк/ Hawkman Devos the Devastator Beetle POWERS OF THE BODY Colossus Molten Man Quicksilver Sandman Metamorpho Emma Frost Ferro Lad Medusa Molten Metal Organic Steel Hammerhead Archangel Turn into , Water Turn > into iamond. Turn into Any .Element/ Echo- location Human 'Torch Enhanced Vision Actoman-N öum •Enhanced к Skull / rehensile Hair / Turn into Metal Rhino Speed Demon Impenetrable Skin Absorbin* Man /Take on\ 'Properties' .of Anything \Touched/ ransmute Body 'Turn into' Animat vegetable, .or Mnaai. Impulse Sensory Mystique Animal--Vegetable-Mineral Man Amazing Man Juggernaut Chi- , Enhanced Fist Skinhead Plastic Man Elongated V Man Apocalypse Shape- shifting/ Vision ^ 'Will 'o y \ the WispychangeN (Oensityof y \ X Body / —4 Alter \ \ Size / Superman Da ken Wonder Y'Man 8ouncing \ Boy \ \ Bouncing /inflate \ Betty —( Bouncing /LT \ Body Changeling Mister Fantastic Stietch and Super Ingestion Super Strength Chameleon Bo' Clav/S V La<^y Deathstrike /'''Wolverine Shrink in Size Doomsday Super Rotation Topspin X-23 Riptide— Whirl wind Body Manipulation Shrinking Viole* Super Healing Superhuman Ability Colossal 80 Banshee Aquaman Goliath Multiple Man Super Scream Namorthe Sub-Mariner Giant-Man Aquatic ' Adaptations Red Tornado Attuma Amazo Puma Convert Sound into Light / Leech Lightning Lad Graviton Reduce Temper- ature Assumed Powers of Others Scorpion Puma Monkey Scarlet Spider Control Sound Dampen Powers of Others / Generate Electricity Scorpion Timber Wolf Dazzler Control Gravity ShadowLass Mammals Storm The Shade Weather Control AJI Foim or weather Contrcr Yellowjacket Meta- Powers Sound- Related Arthropods Other ' Vertebrates. Generate Shadows Generate y Static & Manipulate Electricity / Ghost Rider Cloak x ' ( Insects Swarm . Animal /\ ■■ / Man Angel w Salvatore “-Snowbird slackout Weather Wizard Non- Specific Electricity Power* or D3ikness Dimension Feral ( Cheetah Control Fundamental Forces Control Hellfire Electro General AnimbVtib: 9\vfUo\xjj Mimic Animals Lizard Cheetah Beast Boy Otherwordly Forces Magnetism Silverclaw Deathstroke Green Arrow Magnetic Fields / Hawkeye Lizard Control DaiMorc* Generate Heat & light TaciKai and v/eapons Archery Scarlet Witch Generate Hexes . 8atman Marksman ship Huntress Punisher Shazam! based Radiation- Related Mysterio Energy Emission Guns Martial Arts Bullseye Master of Illusions Wield the Power Cosmic Throwing Objects Deadshot Master of 21 st-Century Karate / Create >2« Kraven the Hunter s Doctor Strange Super- Heated Plasma Master or impersonation 8oomerang Silver Surfer Télé- portation Expert Hirvter Melter Projects Glue . /Performance Chameleon \ д,С1 Master of Puppetiy Gateway Psionic Force Field Havok Gambit Metal- Melting Ray / Sue Storm ' Read N Thoughts Commun- •Côte Mith Amrrvsls / Master of Robin- Acrobatics Energize Objects. Projectiles Shocker Drive Giant Wheel Starfire Mbro- Shock Gsumkte Hobgoblin Omni- inguallsnr Powered Prostheses Goblin Piocogortion Affect 4 Probability Psylocke Change Color of Objects Telekinesis) Calamity > / King Longshot Evil Genius Jackal Г ransmute Elements . 'Alter Spee<f or Chemical i Reactions/ Mechanical . Genius Firestorm 8rainiac Increase Mass of Objects ( Genetics > \Genius/ Kang the y ■ A. Konqueror Ani-Mator High Evolutionary / Super \ intelligence Leader Goblin Queen Cosmic King Daredevil PeePers •row Phantom Girl— in ) - . (Intangibility) / \ . / Red Ghost-—\ 7 / Jamie —' Shadowcat^----------------' ¿Invisibility Madrox an’ lnvisible--^'v /"Ghost I ^ > olf Wolfsb3ne Gibbon Woman ^------------------------------------ TriplicateXtp'ic8,i7 - \ ^---------- Invisible Kid airl X Night Vision Dr. Mid-Nite -Matter-Eater Lad , Black 8olt . Screaming Mimi Lightning Lass Black Adam Black Mamba Captain Marvel Karate Kid Black Lightning Wild Huntsman Saturn Girl Mister _ ' Sinister Puppet Master Brother Voodoo Aquaman Ant-Man Emma Frost \/ \ / Read A v s' x Moondragon / ,nfluence > / Ptofesso, x Y^iy\Te'e,’i'hy/ X-Man/ I \ Quentin Quire »'9Wheel Wond„ Woman Blindfold Preview-Dream Girl" ; "--------------- if Princess Projectra #V* )“ y /Generates \ . Illusions ' Control \CosmkB°y Magnetism / Magneto Magnetic Polaris Kid Control Radiation Jubilee Radioactive Man Darkseid Eyebeams Cyclops Armor Grey Chlorophyll Gargoyle . M,HtV"Kld (Plants Graw) / T ' r ^ / / Turn . Faster / /M»u<rintoN Ston^ for Moury ManlpulateX— Mera V v/ater / Doctor Hellion- Green Cable* Lantern Jean Grev Cypher S N Egghead ( Intelligence;. Mole \ 7 Man v Dootor Doom Molecule ..._.„ulateY'"Man S.M>kcul<sy С I -.m ям* IS1BII 3j0 ^ loco
Реактор познавательный,галилео, реактор познавательный, интересности, интересное, #галилео,разное,суперсила,Кликабельно,большая картинка
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рус или укр версию бы
1)Нескінченний запас сала i горiлки.
2)Можливість спіздити газ отусюди.
3)Телепортація пам'ятникiв Ленiна.
4)Перестатi говорiть на суржiку i научитiся государствiнiй мовi.