Lawful Good Who watches the watchman? Me. I watch him. Always. Neutral Good If you throw yo / книги :: alignment :: Пратчетт

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Lawful Good
Who watches the watchman? Me. I watch him.
Neutral Good
If you throw yourself on Esme's mercy, you better be damn sure you deserve to bounce.
Chaotic Good
Yes, bugger all that. Let's curse someone.
Lawful Neutral
What people want is that tomorrow should be much the same
Lawful Good Who watches the watchman? Me. I watch him. Always. Neutral Good If you throw yourself on Esme's mercy, you better be damn sure you deserve to bounce. Chaotic Good Yes, bugger all that. Let's curse someone. Lawful Neutral What people want is that tomorrow should be much the same as today. True Neutral There's no justice. There's just me. Chaotic Neutral I always live in interesting times. Lawful Evil The new land is ours by Eminent Domain, Extra-Territoriality, and, most importantly, Acquiris Quodcumque Rapis. Neutral Evil When the call came for Corporal Nobbs, it would not find him wanting. It would not find him at all. Chaotic Evil What's the good of having mastery over cosmic balance and knowing the secrets of fate if you can't blow something up?
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Я так понимаю это:
Сэм Ваймс, Матушка Ветровоск, Нянюшка Ягг
Витинари, Смерть и Крысиная Смерть, Коэн Варвар
Кривс из Гильдии Адвокатов, Шнобби Шнобс, Дин из "Невидимых Академиков"
nostr nostr 15.03.201413:44 ответить ссылка 0.0
Последний это декан. Из "Роковой Музыки".
Всегда хотел увидеть как выглядит каждый персонаж с определённым характером
aleot aleot 16.03.201420:26 ответить ссылка 0.0
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