\o\\ipops turn into curettes, the innocent ones turn mto hornewor^ m 1he trash iwlptedwes re Шф iAseJ( m class. Mention Ipoornes suspension. so^A Wco^e^ \ic>4|4 №es become c<rs. hisses turn mto Щ rwvukx when ^ettirv^ Ir^h iwtswirvftjM on 1he щк^щ when protection гпедпТ weajrirv* l\ hewei? when "the worst 1hims ^ou ooM, ^etfroto Ipo^s were cooties? ^ ; routers were Щ highest place on едгт an4 mum was чшу hero^our worst enemies were -four sipWv^s. race issues were адОйТ who ruin Ihe fastest war was onVf а cor^ щ 1he onV/ -/ou l^-new was cou^h me^one. when wewn^ a start Afo't twfe -/ou a slut, "the most pain -fou fe\t was when -fou stanne^ -/our f^nee; <\nJ( ^ooJ(Vfes onVf meant until tomonrow? an4 we couldn't wait to *row up."