визуальный опыт / antigravity :: video :: Underlapse

Underlapse antigravity video 
визуальный опыт

Underlapse,underlapse, timelapse, nasa, gravity, antigravity, space, reverse world,Antigravity and inverted world are Sci-Fi. But. Just imagine... Underlapse is a visual experience and shows how our brains can be lost without its spatial cues. Some footage can cause slight dizziness on some people. More information on http://menilmonde.com/projet-underlapse/ ***** Musics licensing through http://audionetwork.com/ "Genesis One", from David O'Brien & Chris Egan and "Dark Nebula", from Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock & Ellie Kidd Introduction NASA footage: Images courtesy of the Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center, http://nasa.gov/multimedia/hd/ This is the Vimeo 1080 version, so it may be that you need to let it charge.
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mihgann mihgann 25.04.201420:15 ответить ссылка 0.0
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i-eR i-eR 25.04.201421:47 ответить ссылка 0.0
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