Draw with Me

Draw with Me (Update),Entertainment,draw,with,me,boy,girl,fox,wolf,bunny,kitty,cat,glass,animation,anime,It's about a girl and a boy separated by an unbreakable glass. Story and Animation: Mike Inel ( http://mikeinel.deviantart.com/ ) Music and Sound: Daniel James ( HybridTwo: http://hybridtwo.com/ ) Inspiration: A friend before Since the original was using a copyrighted music, I commissioned Daniel James (from HybridTwo) a track for this. In this newer version, I decided to add/improve a few things. They're not so noticeable, but I feel much more contented with them. There are those that are left unedited, but I feel like it's best to leave it that way. Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvjZ6VkLuCM Download Video: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/129928138/ Download Music: http://www.mediafire.com/?2lgmwnnznjl Author's Note: Thank you everyone for giving the original 'Draw with Me' a million views! I'm sorry i'm not able to reply to all of the messages, because there are so much of them and I am pretty busy with work and other needs. Update: Everyone is permitted to reupload the video (perhaps edited to however your kick desires) anywhere, as long as you won't claim you own/made it, and credits both to me and Daniel James (if his music is still in use) are present...
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\ fc. Draw With Me
Original by: Mike Inel
Lineart by: Tanya Lee