"Pixelated Blood" - 500+ fatalities! / наэбал


"Pixelated Blood" - 500+ fatalities! HD1080,Games,big,bang,blitz,retro,2d,violent,fatality,video,game,arcade,nintendo,play,station,3do,sega,genesis,jaguar,dos,blazblue,blood,storm,warrior,clay,fight,cosmic,carnage,double,dragon,eternal,champions,guilty,gear,hokuto,fist,north,star,fire,kasumi,ninja,killer,instinct,mortal,kombat,pray,death,primal,rage,samurai,showdown,time,kill,slaughter,ultra,vortek,way,weapon,lord,wwf,wwe,wrestling,xenophage,what,the,hell,~PLEASE ENABLE ANNOTATIONS AND WATCH IN HD IF POSSIBLE~ As you all may know by now - Mortal Kombat is finally coming back. To celebrate I felt the need to make a towering monument to depravity, the most bloody, stupid, irresponsibly violent thing possible. This video is the result. Every fatality I know of from every commercially available 2D game, and some other stuff. I tried to keep redundancy to a minimum so if there are multiple versions of the same thing I just took one. It runs for nearly two hours, so buckle in for the long haul and scream along, or you can use the handy menu to skip to what interests you the most! You can return to the menu at any point by clicking the upper left corner of the screen. The games in each series are grouped together and those groups are in alphabetical order. I didn't put in Brutalities, Ultras or the normal finishers from Pray for Death either since they are mostly the same thing or just sad. Enjoy! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BlazBlue: 0:01:43, Bloodstorm: 0:08:28, Blood Warrior: 0:09:56, Clayfighter: 0:11:48, Cosmic Carnage: 0:19:08, Double Dragon V: 0:19:47, Eternal Champions: 0:21:20, Guilty Gear: 0:38:51, Hokuto No Ken: 0:47:04, Fists of Fire: 0:50:58, Kasumi Ninja: 0:52:47, Killer Instinct: 0:54:20, Mortal Kombat: 1:01:30, Pray for Death: 1:17:11, Primal Rage: 1:20:02, Samurai Showdown: 1:23:26, Time Killers: 1:37:14, Timeslaughter: 1:38:16, Ultra Vortek: 1:40:02, Way of the Warrior: 1:43:30, Weaponlord: 1:48:51, WWF: 1:51:04, Xenophage: 1:52:16
Mortal Combat начинается с 1:01:30 ;)
ага, в детстве ;)
на реакторе)
А пизды тебе не ввалить?
Нет, не потрясно =\ Теперь я понял, какая именно жестокость в видеоиграх имелась ввиду.
чё там было?)
mi-6 mi-6 19.06.201114:45 ответить ссылка 0.0
недолгое твое fuck yeah было
DeviL DeviL 19.06.201116:11 ответить ссылка 0.0
мне долго и не надо было. хотел бы долго - сделал бы все по другому (не так палевно и не так открыто).

Be Happy! =^_^=
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Caleb (Blood),Калеб Blood (игра) Игры pixel axel artist

 шЁккШ • > -ЛИ Д1%~ й ^В / • В ' BÏI*ie»Bi * ^ [ .7/// ' 4rKjç > '•-._ : ^НР^ ** у ; J ’s Jft il J 'ЁргТШ}ЦЩ ^щ*”*яай£ЗК V -^ЯШЬ^ V Д xfn¡ П ш V ; 1, *мё/АВ^^^ШЁШ^ * v ^шйявйкн^п ЧГ -А . *%> Г ША Уь г^ iv к \ U ■]PL «i JW ” K' ¿/'ir «J [I^Kil! ж и ш^ш- ' j^P> -^>4 ÂJSÇI Ш i p sy /aLJ
: Anonymous 06/24/23(Sat)19:24:53 No.641867082
fatal-frame-bikini.jpg 144 KB JPG
Japanese "horror"
: Anonymous	06/24/23(Sat)19:25:57 No.641867185
: Anonymous	06/24/23(Sat)19:26:12 No.641867207
they know that sexy women are what scares americans the most

fatal frame NSFW без перевода fatal frame NSFW

: Anonymous 06/24/23(Sat)19:24:53 No.641867082 fatal-frame-bikini.jpg 144 KB JPG Japanese "horror" : Anonymous 06/24/23(Sat)19:25:57 No.641867185 : Anonymous 06/24/23(Sat)19:26:12 No.641867207 they know that sexy women are what scares americans the most
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Man Dodging a Kettle pixel axel artist Caleb (Blood),Калеб Blood (игра) Игры

 . zw Л' j ■ Ip ),'/ x iHr ' AjJ 4 V • — JT|C 1 il jc } t\ ч V ^ Ж M !^ш|А • • - & ill / / Il J Ш Л Ж.