Heroes of the Storm Tribute for BlizzCon,Games,,A Tribute for Heroes of the Storm, Blizzard's newest game. This may be a regular thing, we will see how much I get into it. No, it wont replace StarCrafts, nothing can replace StarCrafts. StarCrafts is like Pizza.
Become a Patron:
HeroStorm Ep 6 Team Battle,Gaming,,NEW STARCRAFTS SHIRTS: http://gear.blizzard.com/index.php/default/starcrafts
Thanks to our friends at Blizzard Entertainment for you support!
Loving Heroes of the Storm, you must love it too. Play for free here: http://heroesofthestorm
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Steven Universe - Stronger Than You (Punk Rock Cover),Music,steven universe,Punk Rock (Musical Genre),cover,Estelle (Musical Artist),stronger than you,This took a while, I know. I hope the wait was worth it, guys! Enjoy.
Video directed by Alexander Doty.
Download this song for free on my
Daft Hands - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger,Music,,WANT A SHIRT? -
Wait until after the awesome hand-jig and be amazed. Now comes with blurriness AND the moment near the end where I fall over and kill my toes - but keep going!
Let me clarify: This