> Looking for a random stranger, please w* Connected, fee/ free to tafk now You: do you mind t \ na / Chatroulette

Chatroulette песочница 
>	Looking for a random stranger, please w*<t

>	Connected, fee/ free to tafk now You: do you mind t \ natch' Stranger: no

You: whet e*ect V are you doing? Strang «г: pecking drugs You: i see

You: How's my hair? Stranger, ok,Chatroulette,песочница
> Looking for a random stranger, please w*<t > Connected, fee/ free to tafk now You: do you mind t \ natch' Stranger: no You: whet e*ect V are you doing? Strang «г: pecking drugs You: i see You: How's my hair? Stranger, ok
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хахахаах)) ахуенно))
baykal baykal 09.08.201113:01 ответить ссылка 0.0
видимо у чела моник не зеркальный)))
DeadMent DeadMent 10.08.201120:58 ответить ссылка 0.0
В чем прикол? 0_о
comedyad comedyad 18.08.201223:04 ответить ссылка 0.0
да так.. среднестатистическая конференция в этих ваших интернетах
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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Шишкосушильщик для шишкосушильни они там все упороты есть и такая работа free you mind песочница шишкосушилка

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Alestorm - You Are a Pirate!,Music,,Brand new Alestorm. The bonus track cover of YOU ARE A PIRATE!! Totally fitting.

DISCLAIMER- go ahead and take this down for copyright, I was simply uploading this for people to hear the great music of Alestorm. I'm promoting the band, not stealing.


видео,video do what you want cause a pirate is free песочница

Alestorm - You Are a Pirate!,Music,,Brand new Alestorm. The bonus track cover of YOU ARE A PIRATE!! Totally fitting. DISCLAIMER- go ahead and take this down for copyright, I was simply uploading this for people to hear the great music of Alestorm. I'm promoting the band, not stealing. UPDATE: