Когда я выпью..
Catherine Derpstein Win Info Pholot VMM ♦ Ifen Ml <\ MM» Ol«« V w ^ C»lh«»ine 0«rpMnn Vt <MWMWI|II Conmil« ■ l №mh .-o 4 OUwr> i- IL «k Cühmm Ott| x Partners Near Sandusk) ®W2 HOPtUEI HEi\.C C&vVm-r Dearest Catherine, Would thou make this bumble bachelor the happiest man on I earth by joining me in my dormitory this evening to view a moving picture? yours, Todd \ rDruiik \SN: HEYEYEYYYY!!'! WHai vuip?>? U doinjk anyuyting??/ WANmnmawajhcih a movie aiy my (.IKI ul lKK: Ugh.go to bed auhole. I rDrunk \NS: LOLIk.com otinn. I hhavf a blucrray plyer an haflk a qucvsdillka GIRI.aI.IKF: Good night. Todd. GlHlmUKf. hut Html •<// t rDraAASS: I love you so goddamn much.Catherine. I would kill for you. f/r/VmrfAVY fen puxtfj