Crazy Selfie From Hong Kong Skyscraper,News,,It starts as a video of smiling friends eating bananas but within seconds it becomes a contender for the world's scariest selfie. Photographer Daniel Lau pulled out his "selfie stick" to take dizzying footage of a rooftopping adventure 346m above the streets of Hong Kong. Lau, fellow photographer Andrew Tso and A.S. are seen in the video snacking while perched dangerously on the spire of The Centre skyscraper, Hong Kong's fifth-tallest skyscraper. The video is made all the more sickening thanks to a wide-angle lens mounted on a stick, with each pan of the camera sure to turn the stomach of those scared of heights. 「Rooftopping」攝影師 Daniel Lau 在中環中心避雷針頂端,與朋友「吃香蕉自拍」360度天台危攝片段,維港景色一覽無遺,中環「密密麻麻」的高樓大廈也頓變渺小,成為拍攝者的背景。 Video credit to Daniel Lau of Hong Kong
селфи,самое страшное селфи,Гонконг, Hong Kong,песочница
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