Skyrim : 2500 Cheese wheels rolling off a mountain.,Games,Skyrim,2500,cheese,wheels,Elder,Scrolls,IV:,Oblivion,skulls,xbox,ps3,pc,playstation,cheat,hack,Find the ice troll! Music: tosca dave dudly To answer the 30 mails i get each day = CPU = Intel Core i5 2500K / 3.3 GHz PSU = Corsair Enthusiast Series TX650 V2 Motherboard = MSI P67S-C43 (B3) GPU = MSI N560GTX-Ti Hawk CPU fan = Scythe Mugen 2 Ram = Kingston HyperX - 16 GB : 4 x 4 GB HDD = 7200 rpm 1 Tb HD and a OCZ 128 Gb SSD Nothing