"Мне плевать, что ты посадил космический аппарат на комету, твоя рубашка сексистская"
E3Z3EZ3CZ1 I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist and ostracizing That's one small step for man, three steps back for humankind By Chris Plante ooN<Atajbm3.JOUO»24 4=n SEmeil * ZpUinte DON ! MISS SIORIfS fOllOW M ViRGf mranai 415 CCMWNÎS Г f Si\jreonf 4crt>oafc 0& 1) У§ Tweet (741) in <tt) f> Иг. Г SftN UP EMAIL NEWSLETTER \ The best of The Verge, delivered daily - sign up for The Verge Newsletter Email address & HEADLINES I Samsung partners with BlackBerry to beef up Android security Amazon and Hachette have finally resolved their bitter dispute Artist's machine takes a swipe at Coca-Cola by filtering it into clean water
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