Как разделывать тушу человека на мясо / Нямка :: Шашлык :: личное

личное Нямка Шашлык 
даже есть захотелось :3
Don’t Eat - although the brain seems fatty and tasty, It’s no good, gives you CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) - basically kills your brain cells. Unless you want to inherit the aura of your meal, steer clear.	^^-4-
Fore Arm -tough meat - soup
Upper Arm \
Подробнее Как разделывать тушу человека на мясо
1. BRAIN Don’t Eat - although the brain seems fatty and tasty, It’s no good, gives you CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) - basically kills your brain cells. Unless you want to inherit the aura of your meal, steer clear. ^^-4- s. Human Choice Cu Fore Arm -tough meat - soup If# Upper Arm \ slow cook, like lamb shanks 5. OTHER Lungs full of iron Skin you can leave on -crackling (need to shave the hair off though) Nervous System - . carbohydrates rich 1. Brain 3. Back 4. Arms Liver - Don’t Eat - Because we give our livers a good bash, they arc full of Vitimin A-too much Vit A is toxic and can T • fuck you up - pretty much £, 1 weakening your body, making */ you throw up, general body — and head pains ^ 2. Front 5. Other :6.1.egs Ribs (Spare Ribs) good eating - BBQ ---- 3. BACK Neck - diced, hungarian goulash Shoulder - Blade Steak (slow cook, needs ^ some work to make tender) Strip dow n the middle of the back (loin) all BBQ steaks * "‘0 Middle of Loin middle is the rib fillet or scotch fillet (good eating) Lower Loin porterhouse steak or T-bone (good eating) C-w Lower back on either side of Loin muscles - Rump 6. LEGS Below the knee - tough meat, too sinewy, working muscles, stewing (meat/vegie /slow cook) Thigh meat - again, working muscle, Tw- slow cook - Osso Bucco Buttocks (silverside or topside) slow roast, . ^ Mum’s Sundav roast
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