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Writing very specific instructions to a very dumb, yet obedient machine.
Start with Scratch, then move on to...
- For my kids^)
I want to work
WHICH PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE SHOULD I LEARN FIRST? WHAT IS PROGRAMMING? Writing very specific instructions to a very dumb, yet obedient machine. LANGUAGES PYTHON JAVA 0 PHP c++ JS JAVASCRIPT © * ф RUBY OBJECTIVE-C © Start with Scratch, then move on to... - For my kids^) I want to work for big tech companies Which platform/field J G-О 0~ u-0 I'm a fan! g 0 Not Bad « 0 Suck Doesn't matter, I just want $s$ Corporate I JS s* What do you think about Microsoft? Front-end (web interface) a Web I Back-end ("brain" behind a website) I I want to work for... I Startup I_______________ WHY DO YOU WANT TO LEARN PROGRAMMING? I don't know, just pick one for me G Just for fun ^Tm interested j - Have a brilliant idea/platform in mind? Nope. Just want to get started I prefer to learn things.. JIS 3D/Gaming Mobile к Enterprise t The easy way The best way i F G G The slightly harder way “ I Auto or Manual car? Which OS? iOS Android ♦ ♦ G Web I Does your web app provides info in real-time, like twitter? Do you want to try something new with huge potential, but less mature? Auto © Manual 0 YES ♦ NO JS Which one is your favourite toy? _J I ' 0 The really hard way (but easier to pick up other languages in the future) Lego G Play-Doh I’ve an old & ugly toy, but i love it so much! © THE LORD OF THE RINGS ANALOGY TO PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES Python The Ent DIFFICULTY ★ JavaScript DIFFICULTY Hobbit DIFFICULTY ★ ★★ Ruby DIFFICULTY Man (Middle Earth) * * PHP Ore DIFFICULTY Objective-C DIFFICULTY Smaug Help little Hobbits (beginners) to understand programming concepts Help Wizards (computer scientists) to conduct researches Widely regarded as the best programming language for beginners Easiest to learn Widely used in scientific, technical & academic field, i.e. Artificial Intelligence You can build website using Django, a popular Python web framework Warns peace & works with everyone (portable) Very popular on all platforms. OS. and devices due to its portability One of the most in demand & highest paying programming languages Slogan: write once, work everywhere The power of C is known to them all Everyone wants to get its Power Lingua franca of programming language One of the oldest and most widely used language in the world Popular language for system and hardware programming A subset of C++ except the little details Everyone thinks that he is the good guy But once you get to know him, you will realize he wants the power, not good deeds Complex version of C with a lot more features Widely used for developing games, industrial and performance-critical applications Learning C++ is like learning how to manufacture, assemble, and drive a Recommended only if you have a mentor to guide you Frequently underestimated (powerful) Well-known for the slow, gentle life of the Shire (web browsers) *]ava and Javascript are similar like Car and Carpet are similar" - Greg Hewgill Most popular clients-side web scripting language A must learn for front-end web developer (HTML and CSS as well) One of the hottest programming language now, due to its increasing popularity as server-side language (node.js) Beautiful creature (language), but stays in their land, Rivendell (Microsoft Platform) A popular choice for enterprise to create websites and Windows application using .NET framework Can be used to build website with ASP.NET, a web framework from Microsoft Similar to Java in basic syntax and some features Learn C# instead of Java if you are targeting to work on Windows platform only Very emotional creature They (some Ruby developers) feel they are superior & need to rule the Middle Earth Mostly known for its popular web framework. Ruby on Rails Focuses on getting things done Designed for fun and productive coding Best for fun and personal projects, startups, and rapid development Ugly guy (language) and doesn't respect the rules (inconsistent and unpredictable) Big headache to those (developers) to manage them (codes) Yet still dominates the Middle-earth (most popular web scripting language) Suitable for building small and simple sites within a short time frame Supported by almost every web hosting services with lower price Lonely and loves gold Primary language used by Apple for Mac OS X & iOS Choose this if you want to focus on developing iOS or OS X apps only Consider to learn Swift (newly introduced by Apple in 2014) as your next language POPULARITY AVG. SALARY USED TO BUILD YouTube. Instagram. Spotify POPULARITY ***** AVG. SALARY USED TO BUILD Gmail, Minecraft. Most Android Apps. Enterprise applications POPULARITY ***** AVG. SALARY USED TO BUILD POPULARITY ***** AVG.SALARY USED TO BUILD Operating systems, hardware, and browsers POPULARITY *★*★ AVG. SALARY USED TO BUILD Paypal. front-end of majority websites POPULARITY ***** AVG.SALARY USED TO BUILD Enterprise and Windows applications POPULARITY *★★* AVG. SALARY USED TO BUILD POPULARITY ★ *★* AVG. SALARY USED TO BUILD Wordpress. Wikipedia. Flickr $107,000 9 O) $102,000 m § P $102,000 ФШ $104,000 И @ $99,000 9 • $94,000 |®@ $107,000 Ф • $89,000 POPULARITY *★* AVG. SALARY $107,000 USED TO BUILD Most iOS Apps and part of Mac OS X ACTUALLY... IT DOESN’T REALLY MATTER HOW YOU START. You need to know at least few languages to understand the underlying concepts. Just get your feet wet! TO GET STARTED, CHECK OUT THE FULL LIST OF BEST TUTORIALS AND TOOLS FOR EACH PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE AT: SPECIAL THANKSTO Prithviraj Udaya for his awesome The Lord of the Rings analogy on Quora http://VAvw.quora.com/1f-there-was-a-war-of-programming-Ianguages-whkh-would-you-support-and-why SOURCES Salary data from lndeed.com | http://stackoverfiow.com/questions/245062ANh3ts-the-difierence-between-javascripc-and-java | http://spectrum.ieee.org/static/interactive-the-top-programming-languages http://cacm.acm.org/bk>gs/btogocnV176450-pythorvis-now-the-most-popLiar-introductofy-tedching-language-at-top-us-universibes/fulltext | http://www.itworid.com/article/2693638/big-data/the-mo3t-in-demand-anc IMAGES http://nightfurySve.com/media/2013/12/Smaug-fan-art-under-the-looety-mountain.jpg | http://btog.ekjpe.com/frve-things-yoo-should-knoNv-about-the-ooe-ring/ CARLCHE0.COM/STARTC0DING
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PHP не популярен?! 0_( )
Учи жабу. Жаба везде. Жаба тащит.
Это я как крестовик говорю (сам жабу только для андроида немного юзал). Путь тупо по бабкам выбирай. Это не помешает перейти на что угодно (и весьма вероятно, что перейдёшь потом, может на что-то типа Scala/Closure/Erlang, которых тут нет, но с ними можно и задачи хорошие решать и бабки огромные грести).
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