Arctic ice age, 1987-2014,Tech,,Decades ago, the majority of the Arctic's winter ice pack was made / 27 лет артических льдов за одну минуту :: видео (video)

27 лет артических льдов за одну минуту видео песочница 

Arctic ice age, 1987-2014,Tech,,Decades ago, the majority of the Arctic's winter ice pack was made up of thick, perennial ice. Today, very old ice is extremely rare. This animation tracks the relative amount of ice of different ages from 1987 through early November 2014. Video produced by the team, based on data provided by Mark Tschudi.
27 лет артических льдов за одну минуту,видео,video,песочница
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Arctic ice age, 1987-2014,Tech,,Decades ago, the majority of the Arctic's winter ice pack was made up of thick, perennial ice. Today, very old ice is extremely rare. This animation tracks the relative amount of ice of different ages from 1987 through early November 2014. Video produced by the
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