WHY I MUST HAVE SEX WITH YOU □ RIGHT NOW □ TONIGHT □ VERY SOON □ ALL THE TIME I □ I have a boadac / все равно не светит :: причины для секса :: причины :: отношения :: список

список отношения причины причины для секса все равно не светит песочница 
□ I have a boadache.
□ I've heard it's fun.
O I'm drunk.
□ I'm bored
□ You're hot.
□ You're smart.
□ You've got big hands.
□ It would upset my mother.
□ Someone dared me.
□ I crave humiliation
□ I had a
WHY I MUST HAVE SEX WITH YOU □ RIGHT NOW □ TONIGHT □ VERY SOON □ ALL THE TIME I □ I have a boadache. □ I've heard it's fun. O I'm drunk. □ I'm bored □ You're hot. □ You're smart. □ You've got big hands. □ It would upset my mother. □ Someone dared me. □ I crave humiliation □ I had a good day. □ I had a bad day. □ I'm homy. □ You smell nice. □ Adultery is in. □ Celibacy is out. □ My roommate is out. □ I just learned a new technique. □ I need to bum some calories. □ You're funny. D I'm stupid □ You're just stupid enough. O Because I say so. O Because I love you. O It's raining. O It's Wednesday. O It's my duty. O I haven't showered yet. O I just showered. D I'm naked. O To celebrate. O To boost my self-esteem. □ To boost my serotonin levels. □ To keep you from dumping me. □ I'm a professional. □ I've got a motorcycle. □ I'm about to be famous. □ You're famous. □ I need to release tension. □ I need the promotion. □ I need the fifty bucks. □ To commune with God. □ To live life to the fullest. □ I hate my spouse. □ I hate my girlfriend. □ I hate my boyfriend. □ It's been a while. □ It'll make me popular. □ I want to make a baby. □ I'm freshly shaved. □ I just got a Brazilian. □ To keep warm. □ To stop fighting. □ To bond emotionally. □ To feel closer to you. □ Because I can. □ My therapist suggested It. □ To act out a fantasy. □ So you'll owe me. □ Because you owe me. □ Because I owe you. □ To break in the new mattress. □ I just changed the sheets. □ Tomorrow's laundry day. □ To say goodbye. □ To say I'm sorry. □ To say thank you. □ I ran out of batteries. □ You pad for dinner. □ I want to get back together. □ I'm ovulating. □ My endorphins are firing. □ To forget about my ex. □ To help you forget your ex. □ You'll do. □ I don't live here. □ You don't live here. □ I don't speak English. □ You don't speak English. □ You're a good dancer. □ You're rich. □ I'm easy. □ You're easy. □ To manage stress. □ Because I did the dishes. □ My vocal cords need exercise. □ The sock is on the doorknob. □ It's my birthday. □ It's your birthday. □ It's someone's birthday. □ "Just friends" isn't working out. □ I like your shoes. □ I have excellent stamina. □ I just finished the Kama Sutra. □ You look like you need it □ So you'll shut up. □ I've been Kegeling. □ I have ten minutes to kill. □ I'm leaving ihe country □ I got drafted. □ I'm dying. □ Simon says. □ Practice makes perfect □ To carry on the family name. □ Because you work out. □ Because you do yoga. □ I'm an artist. □ I'm a rocker. □ I'm crazy. □ I have good genes. □ You look good in jeans. □ It's written in the stars. □ It's on my todo list. □ I can't survive without it. □ I have low standards. □ You have low standards. □ To take one for the team. □ To make me feel young. □ To escape reality. □ I heard you were good. □ I'm that good. □ Because I love wearing condoms. □ To dust off the cobwebs. □ To improve my rhythm. □ To make life better. □ I'm a risk-taker. □ I'm avoiding antidepressants. □ For revenge. □ Fa another notch on my belt. □ My fnends want to watch. □ I'm trying out fa a pom movie. □ To expand my video collection. □ To take us to the next level. □ I'm out of chocolate. □ Because marriage is a contract. □ Because I'm online. □ I'm a slut. □ I'm tired of aal sex. □ I'm tired of being a virgin. □ I feel sorry fa you. □ I'm addicted. □ You drive a nice car. □ To feel whole. □ To scratch my itch. □ To increase my resistance. □ You're the only one in the bar. □ You smiled at me. □ I won’t find anything better. □ It's wirvwn. □ My regular lover is out of town. □ It's my New Year's resolution. □ To change the subject. □ To even the score. □ As a personal favor. □ Revirgimzation isn't working out □ I'm no good at saying no. □ You're no good at saying no. □ So you'll leave me alone. □ Habit. □ Because I lack self-control. □ Because you earned me home. □ I'm on the rebound. □ It's just easier to go all the way. □ So I can stop crying. □ Because I lost my agasm. □ Because I'm uniquely flexible. □ It's the end of the world. □ The power is out. □ I lost my little black book. □ I'm finally single. □ You're finally single. □ My best friend dumped you. □ I got dumped. □ I just lost ten pounds. □ I can’t sleep. □ I got a new job. □ Your skin is soft. □ Your hair is soft. □ Your package looks promising. □ There’s nothing on TV. □ The kids are asleep. □ My parents are out. □ My hand's getting tired. □ Third base is getting old. □ The birds and the bees do it. □ I have a medical condition. □ We're here and we’re queer. □ To break in my new car. □ My blowup doll sprung a leak. □ I'm tired of pom. □ I had a dream about you. □ Meditation makes me horny. □ I just popped a Viagra. □ Our bodies fit. □ We're human. □ Why not? ■ I PLEASE ,_j PRETTY PLEASE □ I'LL PAY YOU □ OR ELSE
список,отношения,причины,причины для секса,все равно не светит,песочница
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Я поместил тевя среди добычи и вместо того, чтобы потакать своему голоду, давы оставить меня довольным. ТЫ ПРОЯВИЛ к ним СОСТРАДАНИЕ?'.