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Portal Cun You can create portals on any solid, nat unmovlng surface. Leg braces to prevent freefaM injuries are Included. / Elder Wand You have the magic ability to use it. but you can only use the spells specifically named or shown in the books and movies. Ughtsabcr You can have any make and model you desire and the reflexes and ability to use It more than proficiently. However, you do not possess the powers of the force apart from those necessary to use the blade. The One Ring You can use it without having to worry about Sauron or his minions: they don't exist You (and anyone who comes into contact with the nng) will still be corrupted by it. though. It is indestructabie. and you cant be heard wtifce you are wearing it A Oeathnote Shinigami not included. All of the rules that apply to it in the manga as well as the anime series appty. It can be forfeit and lost, but your memories of it will no« be erased. DcaIh Green Lantern Power Ring You hove all of the powers that come wtth rt, though It needs to be charged every 24 hours In the lantern. The Everlasting Gobstopper You can suck it and suck it, and it never gets any smaUerl The Red Pill When you consume it you awaken in the real world where robots have taken over. You are The One while you are lacked in. but you are not Neo. Instead, you are one of the predecessors who never saves the world and is a slave to the machines. You can do whatever you want with being The One. except liberate humanity. You have to unjack for exorcise and nourishment In the real world, and are subject to the fear of robots killing you on the outside. Cursed Pirate Medallion Congratulations; you are immortal. But you cannot enjoy food. dnnk. or sex. There is no chest to return it to. Pokebali You have one Pokebali wtth any Pokemon you desire inside, it will always obey you. but you must train it from level 1.
песочница,portal gun,power ring,elder ward,лазерный меч,Pokeball,Покебол,death note
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There is no
cakelightsaberКольцо весьма полезно во многих жизненных ситуациях, а телепортирующая пушка так и вовсе невероятно облегчает жизнь.
Картинку более крупную нашёл, но некоторые вещи перевести не могу, не можешь вкратце рассказать о каждой?
И зачем вечная жвачка? (The Everlasting Gobstopper).
Красная таблетка даёт возможность побыть НЕО и всё?
Жвачка чтобы жевать.
Хренасе и все. Пули останавливать и летать это весело.
Материализовывать свои мысли - это круто, а когда для тренировок у тебя впереди вечность, так это вообще фонтан =)
Девушка красивая =)
Возьму Тетрадь Смерти и медальон. Замочу нахер этого волшебника\джина\существо из 10 измерения.
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