Big Cats + Mirrors = Funny!,Animals,Tiger Mirror,iPhone,iPhone Camera,cool,Tiger see himself in mirror,Reflections,mirror,jump,scare,attack,play,time,Tiger,Lions,leopards,cougars,mountain,big cats see their reflections,funny,cute,hilarious,awesome,Big cats vs mirrors,tigers scared of reflections,lion see himself in mirror,roar,chuff,talking,aww,lol,lolcats,amazing,reactions,Cat,You,Self,Kitty,Because Tigers, lions, leopards (and every other species of cat) spend so much time grooming themselves, we decided to show them what they look like and we got some hilarious results! Music track "Got Funk" courtesy of incompetech.com WEBSITE: http://www.bigcatrescue.org FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/bigcatrescue GOOGLE+: https://plus.google.com/115333849859181638977/posts TWITTER: http://twitter.com/BigCatRescue DONATE: http://www.bigcatrescue.org/donate.htm BIG CAT SHOP: http://www.bigcatrescue.biz/servlet/StoreFront THANK YOU!
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Во-вторых почему они до сих пор не пробили её?
З.Ы. Ждал до конца пока кто-то из кошаков психонет и кинеца на зеркало)))
вы их нервируете
на удивление мелкие кошачии более нейтрально отнеслись к отражению, хотя наверно уже привыкли
киски просто преласть :))